A couple of things for today.
I often hear these myths of people getting pills they don’t need.
“Sure,” they’ll start, “I ask my doctor for anything, and they’ll prescribe it to me.” Not me. I’ve never had that kinda luck.
A long while ago I discovered Modifinal that I had read is something akin to NZT from the movie Limitless. It seemed interesting. I wanted to try it, but I couldn’t get it without a prescription. I went to my doctor, a very nice lady, and seeing that I haven’t died yet, a very good doctor. I asked her if she could prescribe me some.
“Do you have a sleeping disorder,” she asked.
“No,” I said because I can’t lie or at least try not to lie about medical stuff.
“You work a night shift or have narcolepsy,” she continued.
“No, on both counts,” I said.
“Well, I could schedule you a sleep study, and if it comes back you need it, then I’ll give it to you.”
That seemed like a lot of work. “It’s okay,” I said. So much for my body my choice.
I did finally get my hands on some Modifinal while in India. About ten pills. Hindsight being twenty/twenty and all that, I learned later I could’ve got more and it would’ve been super cheap. The pill does everything advertised. No wonder they’re giving it out like candy in Silicone Valley.
And that’s my point. It seems like everybody in the world can get copious amounts of pills they don’t need, except me. I know this because it took me all day to get some painkillers for this pain in my stomach. Man, I was ready to jump in my car the second my subscription was filled.
Alas, that didn’t happen till early this evening. And even then, it took me awhile to actually drive to my pharmacy and get the pills. I’m writing this at eleven o’ clock in the evening and was able to finally take one. I’m feeling much better.
The other thing is I listened to an interesting podcast today. I have a blog post in mind about my experience with the Carnivore Diet, but to keep it short and sweet, its working wonders. I’m a big follower of Dr. Shawn Baker M.D.
Turns out he does this podcast with Zac Bittner, whose some sort of endurance athlete. Both are on the Carnivore Way of Eating. Today, I listened to their interview with Dr. Anthony Chafee. I don’t know who he is, but man, his podcast was awesome.
He broke down a couple of things for me, like why we need a gallbladder - crap they already took mine out - and why vegetables aren’t that good for you. He also mentioned that not wanting to eat vegetables is perfectly evolutionary; because we know they’re inherently trying to kill us.
Like I said, very informative.
Now, you may ask: what does diet have to do with creativity? Why mention it on a creativity blog?
One of the main benefits of this diet has been helpping my ability to write. When I started the Carnivore Way of Eating back in February, man was my writing sporadic at best. I was always tired at night. I couldn’t focus on anything. I’d write something, then search the web or go and pick up a book. I just didn’t have the patience to write.
Then, within a couple of weeks, man I was a writing machine. We’re talking I went from struggling through two hundred and fifty words to two thousand word short stories. Now, this is writing that will most likely never see the light of day, but I was writing. Which was a big step for me. I was finishing stories.
I do credit the Carnivore Way of Eating with that. Now, you’ll say, that there’s plenty of writers that eat carbs and do well. Hell, Stephen King wrote hopped up on coke and beer and look what he did. Sure, I’ll concede to that, but I think some people have a higher tolerance for carbs than others. Plus, there’s something to be said about natural talent, drive, and experience, etc. Everybody reacts differently to carbs. For some people, they can eat carbs and go about their day. For others, its a stopper. That’s me. Carbs just mess with my head and my focus. Sure, I was able to deal with the carbs better when I was young, but not so much now.
The last thing is that Boyd came over tonight and we started working on a movie. It felt good to get back on the saddle again and talk story.