It’s a quiet Sunday morning.
The Wife has fallen ill. I started noticing it yesterday when her nose started running. “You okay,” I asked. The Wife said she was coming down with something; it started on Friday after our son's scrimmage game. So she’s trying to rest it out of her. The Kid is at his dad’s house. So it’s just me and some well-fed dogs, panting and licking themselves clean under me.
Just for giggles, I want to do a “weekly review.” Sort of look back at my creative week and see if I did anything worthwhile and what I did wrong. I know there’s always room for improvement.
Here is what I did right:
I started this blog.
Now starting the blog was a big deal in itself because, well, I’ve wanted to do something like this forever. I’ve been paying for a Square Space subscription for months but never did anything with it. Kinda like a lot of my gym memberships. I saw myself going to the gym, but when the gumption to go to the gym, I would just sit down and say, “later.” So the blog has been dormant for quite a long time.
So writing that first post on the 20th was a big deal. The thing is, this is my umpteenth time starting a blog.
No, where it got real for me was Friday’s post. Here’s why:
Because on Friday, I didn’t feel like writing. Not one word. I didn’t feel like picking up my phone and typing on Scrivener iOS. I didn’t feel like lugging out my laptop, resting it on my lap, and typing something. I didn’t want to look at the few crappy pictures I had taken that day and pick one of that crappy picture out of the bunch and work it through “post” and upload it.
I just wanted to start my weekend. I’ll do it tomorrow, I said.
I was sitting up on my bed. All I had to do was put down my electronics and sleep. But I didn’t.
Friday was a crap post. I know it is. I know it doesn’t add to the human condition one iota. The world would have gone on just fine had I not posted on Friday. That errant rain drop on a hot and muggy day that evaporates before it hits the asphalt, was Friday’s post. I know it is.
Still, I had to post something. I had to do it. Because I’m working on a streak here. I’m working towards something. So I picked a picture. Wrote a few words. The streak, small that it is, is alive.
That was a big deal for me. The rule for this blog is simple: post something. Anything. Just post.
The other cool thing I did this week was start working on a screenplay with Boyd. It was based on an idea I had about a week ago. We talked a little bit about it and have a general direction of where its going, its just the logistics of writing it down. That was fun.
I did watch two movies this week, which is a record for me.
The irony isn’t lost on me: for a guy that wants to write and make movies, the one thing I don’t do enough of is read and watch movies. I know, I know. The thing is, man is it hard for me to do either. Just in terms of logistics and patience. It’s the weirdest thing. It’s something I need to improve.
So that’s what I did right this week.
What did I do wrong:
I started arguing on Twitter. Useless.
I didn’t read a lot. I think on Monday, I pulled out Short Shorts: An Anthology on the Shortest Stories. I read Leo Tolstoy’s The Three Hermits, which I loved the first three times I read it.
There were a few times I wanted to take a picture and then, well, the fear kicked in. So I didn’t take the shot. Really need to stop doing that.
The other thing is debating whether to go back to carrying my Canon SL2 again. Man, I go back and forth on this, I mean, this is going to be the thing I shoot my movies with, and I need to learn how to use it.
Practice, practice, practice. My big question is to either be simple or bite the bullet and lug that DSLR around. Man, I’m torn.
Watched/Read/Heard This Week
The Bourne Supremacy
The Three Hermits by Leo Tolstoy
My Week In Shots