It’s eleven fifty-three.
Here’s what happened today: I got up and wrote that Like What I Was Saying blog post, then surfed the internet for a while.
I picked up the house just a little. Then, The Wife got up and got ready and we went to my cousin’s house for the last Christmas Party this season. My cousin makes a mean menudo and is quite the baker. The wife made some delicious Champurrado. I pulled number one in our gift exchange and walked away with Roaster Oven. Not too bad.
The Kid was dropped off and seemed happy with his haul from San Antonio.
We came home but weren’t here long before The Kid and The Wife wanted to hit some stores at the Domain. Now, before we left, I finally finished uploading my pictures to the cloud. I had over one thousand pictures. It took me about a week to get ‘em all up there. I’d wanted to do it so that I could start the year with a clean slate.
Man, was it cold. So while walking to the stores, I was glad I had taken my peacoat.
Dropped the family off and headed to Jake’s house for the Tuesday night meeting for a little catch-up.
When I got home, I ate some tamales. So I’m pretty full right now.
This brings me to a couple of things:
First, I’m going back to the Carnivore lifestyle. I don’t call it a diet. The thing is, I’ve been off it (after a good seven-month stretch) for about a month and have gained fourteen pounds, and that’s come with some pretty awful consequences.
Speaking of which, last year, I converted about four people into the Carnivore way of life. I saw two today, one who was still on it looked great, and the other, like me, had fallen off the Carnivore wagon. The funny thing is they mentioned they’re experiencing some of the same ills I am. And then some. Like me, they’re seeing the difference between life on the Carnivore and life off it. It’s so vast, you can latterly tell. And, like me, they mentioned how difficult it is to get back into the swing of things.
I’m back on it tomorrow.
The other thing is I didn’t make it to Mass. Today is a Holy Day of Obligation. The feast day of Mary the Mother of God. I had wanted to go to the mid-afternoon Mass at St. Mary’s, but time got away from me. Then I was going to hit up a six-thirty mass up in Georgetown and, again, didn’t make it. That was my fault. I should’ve gone earlier but didn’t.
So that was today. I did manage to take a couple of picks while at the Domain and did recommend Constance Hale’s books to an English major, which was kinda cool. Other than that, it was a pretty standard day.