“We spent fifty dollars in food.” -The Wife
So one of the things Jordan Peterson talked about was keeping a calendar. Now, I’m not to big on keeping a calendar. I’m just kind of a guy that lives day to day. I’ve got a pretty set schedule. I wake up, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, shower and get ready for work, take Marcos to school, go to work, and come home and wait for the next day. That’s about it. That’s my life.
Sure, other stuff happens, but it usually comes up in the confines of that day. And the fact of the matter is that I’m unhappy with where my professional life is going. So its something I want to change. Because, well, I want more. And isn’t that what life is about? Wanting more.
So I’m going to attempt to keep a calendar again.
I am a little excited. I’ve decided I’m going to buy Peterson’s Self-Authoring Program tomorrow. I’m also going to get The Kid the Future Authoring program. Just to see if it works and, God willing, jump starts something inside of him. Peterson mentions it a lot, and from what I’ve gathered, it could be a useful tool. So, I’m going to bite the bullet tomorrow and buy it.
There was another thought I had and that was writing down my financial goals. I think that’s important, but perhaps it’ll be better after I write the Self-Authoring Program.
One thing I’m hoping it’ll help is my week-to-week change. See, here’s what happens: one week I’ll concentrate on writing comedy; the next week I want to be a photographer, a moviemaker, etc. This goes on and on and on. So I know that I don’t have a clear vision of what I want my life to be. I’m figuring if I can narrow it down, then I know where to apply my time.
The goal right now is to write five hundred words of a journal.
So nothing big happened today. The only thing I think I did right was tell the guys where they were this week in regards to their numbers with the hope that they’ll put together a game plan next week and hit the ground running on Monday trying to maximize their potential.
I also made it to confession today and was a little happy when Fr. Dean gave a little pep-talk before he walked into the confession. He talked about being mindful of other people, to keep the confession short and just mention the sin, so we could get as many people in. I obliged and he did talk a little, but not a lot.
I’ve got some work to do on the prayer front. A lot of work.
When I got home, The Wife and The Kid were watching a movie. They’re still on Spring Break. The Kid was dressed up with nowhere to go. We went to grab some food - three different places - and came home and ate.
I’ve been binge-watching videos on keeping a Google Calendar. Such is life.