Thoughts on the Presidential Debates

Like I Was Saying...

Regarding the Presidential Debates, which is all people are talking about, Trump wasn’t the elephant in the China shop, that’d be too kind. No, he was more like the raging bull in the China Shop. That image came up while driving Marcos to football. It kind of struck.

Do I think Trump won?

As in all these kind of “debates,” that depends if you’re already pre-disposed to one candidate. This election is more if you like Trump or if you don’t. I think this go round there’s very few “undecided voters” or “independents.” This is a more a popularity contents than anything else.

The other image I had about the debates that Trump was coming out with haymakers. Trump use to watch Mike Tyson fight. Tyson didn’t fight in the first couple rounds. He bludgeoned. Trump was going for the knockout blow. So he came out hard and fast.

All in all, I do think it moved the needle, but not in the way people think. I think there were folks on the fence with Joe Biden. People needed a reason to vote for him. Joe made a couple of fatal errors in the debate, one he couldn’t help.

The big question going into the debate was whether Joe Biden could “handle” the office. Most of this debate, he looked frail and irritated. That didn’t bold well. Trump ran over him. Trump made people ask the question: if you think Trump is bad, how ‘bout a tin pot dictator in say, North Korea? Yikes.

Trump also forced Biden to make some forced errors. Joe had to admit he had no law enforcement endorsements. In an election where law and order is on the ballot, that’s a big deal. The other one was the Green New Deal. Forcing Joe to abandon that, got siphoned off the lefties.

The one thing Joe and the media tried to do is tie Trump to racism. Honestly, it’s an argument I don’t get and don’t understand why they push it. Granted, right now, race is an issue in these states, but I think most folks get Trump isn’t creating the next white utopia.

Hindsight being twenty-twenty, the RNC was setting up for this attack. If the polls are to be believed, minorities in America aren’t buying this line of attack. Thank God. Again, the only people buying this line of attack are people that already think, Trump is a racist.

Do I think Trump could’ve done better? Yes.

Do I think he’ll recover: Man, one thing I’ve come to learn about Donald John Trump is that he’s never really down and out.

Anyways, those are some my after thoughts about the debate.

So yesterday, the turned off our electricity for maintenance. Which made for an interesting morning. It was the last day of the month and the last day of the quarter. Being in sales, it was a big deal.

I tried to take a meeting outside of Starbucks, but man was it terrible. I ended up using my phone and thanked God I had bought that mini-tripod.

When the electricity came back on, it was back to grinding it out for the last day of the month. I had uneven results.

Work is interesting. And could be more interesting today. We’ll see.

Then there was the Sonic debacle. Lucy had gone to Sonic and they had got my order wrong. So we drove back to Sonic and had to re-order my meal. That took up most of the evening.

The coolest part of the day, if there was one. Like I said, it was a rough day. Was that Marcos was cool about going to the Young Men’s Group, which is usually a chore.

Oh and the other coolest part was when I was telling Marcos of the old days. Back when his Mom was driving her Nissan Maxima that held together by hanger wire, duck tape, and prayer. I told him about the first day I met him. Those were good and found memories. I think I should share some more with him.

So what is this?

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but one of things I like is Richard Herring’s “Warming Up.”

Richard Herring sets a timer for thirty minutes and brain dumps. It’s not really a diary of sorts, but its close. He does it to help him get over writer’s block.

Since I fancy myself a storyteller of sorts and do miss writing I’m going to try.

I’m using Highland 2 and it has this timer on it. So, I’ll set the timer for thirty minutes, write for that time, see what comes out, and then, well post it.

Mind you, I won't be doing any proof reading and the corrections are whatever Grammarly finds.

It’s Oct the 1st. The kind of time to start something new. If for nothing else just to get my thoughts out there.

I do miss blogs at times. Twitter I think has fried my brian. Remember that old commercial with the drugs and the eggs. I think that’s what Twitter had done. I really should cancel my account and move on, but I just can’t turn my head from the head on collision. It’s too fun and interesting.

I am going to limit my Twitter use, but yeah, I don’t know if I can get rid of it.

Write for just thirty minutes a day for the next thirty day and see what happens. In fact, I’d like a long streak. That would be cool.

But what if you run out of things to write?

Well, then maybe I need to start living some more.

Update: Skating the River?