Like I Was Saying...
My brother and I aren’t the outdoorsy types.
We’re city boys, and dad wasn’t much into the outdoors. I vaguely remember a few trips up to Cloudcroft, New Mexico. But those for a quick picnic and maybe some hiking, but that’s about it.
I tried joining the Boy Scouts when I was a kid, but dad said it was too expensive. I heard the announcement and asked Dad if we could look into it. I remember going to the meeting at the school. There were many Boy Scouts in their cool uniforms, filled with badges. They told me about all the cool things they did as Dad talked to the troop leader. After a while, dad shouted, “let’s go.”
I was excited. When is the first meeting? I asked, when do I get the uniform, and when can I learn to build a fire?
Dad didn’t stop; he just grunted that for way less money, he could buy me a set of matches, and I could light fires in the backyard. I did. (Grin)
Marcos wasn’t the outdoorsy type either. I took him camping once with the Young Men’s group at his church; a miserable experience because I knew nothing about camping.
A storm rolled in the night we were staying; water would pool on the tent's roof, and cold water would drip in. Our blankets got wet, and the cold water pinned my skin everywhere I turned.
That was it with camping for us.
Then sometime in the last year, he just got into the outdoors. He wanted a fishing rod and a kayak.
So, now I’m into fishing. I don’t know much about the sport, but unlike me, I want Marcos to embrace the outdoors. It’s good to get out there and enjoy nature.
So, we went fishing up to Buchanan Dam in the Texas Hill Country. I’ve always been intrigued by the place when I pass it on the way to El Paso. I always tell myself, “damn, if I just had some time and a camera, I bet I could get some cool shots.”
Well, that day came yesterday.
The scenery didn’t disappoint. My photography skills were something else, but I think I got some excellent shots.
Marcos and I didn’t catch anything, but at least we were getting some time on the water. Marcos had picked up a book on fishing and told me things I didn’t even know about the sport.
I think it’s something my son is teaching me things I don’t know about a sport. One, I learn something, like the fact that Bass like shaded spots, and two, him telling me reinforces what it is he’s learning about the sport.
It’s a win-win if you ask me.
I did take some videos, but I don’t think I’m brave enough to post it. I’m still learning the ins and out of shooting video on the RX100 VII.