Like I Was Saying…
I wish I could find my first Day Zero List. For those of you not familiar with the concept, basically its a list of 101 goals, big or small, and you have 1001 days to complete the list.
I want to say I wrote my first one back in 2017. I think I did find it, a couple of years ago, and completed about twenty-percent of that list.
I wrote another Day Zero List on Dec. 11th, 2019. A lifetime ago in COVID years. That one was set to expire on September 22nd, 2022. I don’t know why that list popped in my head, but I went and found it.
Reviewing the list, I couldn’t help but see there’s some goals on that list that I’m no longer interested in pursuing. Like #28 Finishing Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain. Years ago, I bought Betty Edwards Drawing From The Right Side of The Brain to learn drawing. I got through a pretty good amount of the book, but never finished it.
Thing is, my desire to learn to draw has waned. In fact, the only reason I wanted to learn how to draw was to storyboard shots for film. Eh, story boarding takes more time than its worth. I enjoy writing and taking pictures more. So, that’s out.
#48. Do a DWS style blog for a year. Sure, but if I’m going to write a five hundred blog post, doesn’t that suffice?
#97 Act in short film. I don’t know, but something tells me that my acting days are over. Hell, it’s been so damn long. Not to say, I wouldn’t do it if need be, but I’m just not going to actively pursue it.
I want to focus on my photography, writing, and moviemaking for whatever that’s worth.
Anyways, I thought a new list was in order. So I whipped one up.
One thing I’m going to do is try to review my list every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed. It’s daily activity I picked up from Grant Cardone. He reviews his goals every day and every night. When he feels unfocused, he writes his list down. I may write down my list. Not type it, re-write it by hand.
The other thing I’ll do is review the list the first of every month. I’m stealing this idea from Matthew Dicks. He sets goals every New Year and reviews the list, keeping himself posted and accountable.
I’ll probably come up with some rules as I work the list.
#73 Post a Picture Everyday (Blog & Facebook)
Maybe it doesn’t have to be a picture I took that day. Maybe its a picture I’ve taken and worked on and ready to show the world.
Usually, I sit on this list for a list. Make sure its the things I want to do. I’ll re-work it, try to prioritize it, even run drafts of it by Lucy. See what she thinks of it.
Then I’ll set a date of it in the future.
Like, Monday is the 31st, so Day Zero will be Tuesday, September 1st.
Eh, might as well start today. And see what happens.
Day Zero.
So God willing I’ll be writing about a 100% completed list on Thursday, May 25, 2023.
Day Zero List
1. Take Marcos and Lucy to France.
2. Read the Bible + CCCC in a year project
3. Practice Carnivore for a solid year.
4. Do #HW4L daily for 6 months straight
5. Adopt a daily Rosary (60 Days to complete)
6. Dress well for 90 Days Straight
7. 15 min daily with Jesus 90 Days Straight to complete
8. Keep a Notebooks like Larry David & Mitch Hedberg Experiment for a Year. Write down something consistently for 90 Days.
9. Make 100K in One Year
10. Attend Mass for 90 Days Straight
11. Clean out the Garage/Post Picture
12. Blog Daily 4 a Year (500 Word Minimum)
13. Watch the 100 Greatest Films of All Time
14. Learn Adobe Lightroom
15. Learn Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro
16. Write a 50K Novel NanWrMo
17. Visit the Vatican
18. Take Lucy to Jamaica again
19. Take fire arm classes
20. Read 70 Books in a Year (Audible Included)
21. Take JuJitsu w/ Marcos (3 months)
22. Do my Grand West Tour w/ Marcos
23. Play a season of Rugby
24. Release MoH on a streaming service
25. Campaign for a Republican Candidate
26. Become involved in Local Politics
27. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
28. Vote for Donald J. Trump
29. Take Marcos to see Jocko
30. Take Jerry & Marcos to see Jordan Peterson
31. Take Lucy to see Cold Play
32. Take a print a great photo, enter in competition.
33. Create a kick ass bumper for YouTube
34. Write another full Screenplay
35. Write a Mirco-Film Screenplay
36. Do the 52 Short Film challenge
37. Take 50 different shots a day.
38. Do a Spartan Race
39. Incorporate
40. Read the Best 100 Thrillers List
41. Vlog once a week for a year
42. Learn to dance
43. Make one dollar on Amazon
44. Sign up Marcos, Lucy, and I for a gun safety class
45. Buy a shotgun
46. Get my Conceal and Carry License (Lucy & Marcos as well).
47. Go camping
48. Write and publish a book on Amazon.
49. Teach Marcos how to drive standard well.
50. Go fishing with Marcos, four times.
51. Finish setting up my “study.”
52. Be 100% debt free except for the house.
53. Buy a truck
54. Do Street Apologetics
55. Buy Lucy another diamond
56. Plan and start paying for my funeral
57. Keep the Soderbergh List for one year
58. Do a YouTube Filmmaker Challenge
59. Do 100 Calls a day for 30 Days
60. Redo my First Friday Devotion
61. Keep a proper calendar (6 months for completion)
62. Read a Screenplay a week for a year. Start to Finish.
63. Type out my Morning Pages for 90 Days (750 Words)
64. Own my own business (60K income from my creative work)
65. Go to a local parade on a National Holiday.
66. Visit Washington D.C.
67. Camp @ Big Bend
68. Take my brother to confession and mass
69. Go to the Dentist.
70. Update all my car stuff (Title, Registration, A/C) on Corella
71. Attend all Holy Days of Obligation at the Latin Mass
72. Do a Silent Retreat
73. Post One Photo (Blog & FaceBook)
74. Publish a photography book
75. Learn to be fluent in Spanish
76. Own a pair of 1000 Miles boots
77. Own a personal top of the line Mac
78. Go on a Hunting Trip
79. Minimalist dress, all tailored
80. Start a retirement account
81. Own an cool overnight bag
82. Meet Robert Rodriguez
83. Build a kick ass Bug Out Bag
84. Take Marcos to a symphony
85. Smoke a Cuban Cigar
86. Spend every Thursday @ Adoration (3 months to complete)
87. Attend a real life boxing match
88. Make a Million Dollars in 1001 Days
89. Learn to cook three meals Lucy loves
90. Plan a trip to visit Jay and Andrew
91. Do the D-Day Invasion in Oklahoma
92. Hang the fan in my office
93. Build my BBQ Shed
94. Finish the Photography Class I bought
95. Do my 3 Prayers everyday for 60 Days
96. Keep Notes Like JP on books
97. Get Sophie’s teeth fixed
98. Write down 6 Master Classes and watch/review them all. Blog posts.
99. Limit Social Media to 15 min. per day.
100. Buy Real Estate
101. Read 15 Min. per day (60 Days to complete)