Let’s not mince words: it’s fear, pure and simple.
I’m a big proponent of free speech. You can’t yell “fire” in a crowded movie theatre. And porn is porn. But short of that, almost everything is a free game.
I once heard conservative talk show host, Mark Davis, put it best, “Freedom is people often doing things you don’t like.” I think that’s about right. The thing is, in the last couple of years, America got screwy. If people didn’t like your particular speech, you're done for. You get a scarlet letter pinned on you.
And now, due to the ubiquitous smartphones and social media, your livelihood can be jeopardized. In some extreme cases, your very personal and those you love can be in danger.
It’s tough to be free when you have a mortgage and a family to feed. Especially if you know you hold an unpopular opinion. It’s why I stopped posting political stuff on Facebook. It just got to be too much. And I’ve lost a friend or two because of my beliefs.
Also, I’ve yet to get a message that tells me: “I saw your post on Facebook and I saw the light. Thanks.” Still, it bothers me.
I think somewhere in my naïveté, I still believed in freedom of speech. But those days are gone, and I just remain quiet unless I’m among friends and can articulate my stance in person.