Like I Was Saying...
It was my turn to take Marcos to the AG Outlaws Practice.
As I was waiting for Marcos, I saw a ton of photographic opportunities, but resistance kicked in. Again, I don't know why. So I opted to listen to another YouTube video about being a photographer. That seemed better.
I was listening to Alex Kilbee from The Photographic Eye when suddenly I had to take a leak. So I walked away from the action, rethinking my life choices. Maybe I should take up collecting stamps. Collecting stamps is safe.
I walked towards where I'd been to the bathrooms. Kilbee was still in my ear, telling me I had to look at the world differently. While I was listening, I accidentally walked into the Austin All Black's Locker Room, and I was met by the golden hour light inside this locker room.
Damn, I pulled out my camera and started firing away. Now, what's funny is that I didn't think enough to stop the video. Kilbee droned on about photography as I shot. I couldn't tell you what he said. I was in the zone.
I didn't put my camera away after I shot inside the locker room.
I went back out into the field and started firing some shots there, knowing I needed the practice.
I'm somewhat happy with the shots I took. I'm still a little fuzzy about shooting angles and how some of the pictures came out crooked. Like I wasn't holding the camera at an angle, but the horizon came out uneven. It still baffles me.
I did take one banger shot. One that I'm proud of, and that's the one shot of Marcos catching the ball. The picture works on every level. Or at least what I've picked up from YouTube.
The other thing I did differently was that I didn't use Auto White Balance. Instead, I used the daylight setting on the RX100 M7, and the colors seemed to pop out more.
That one tip I picked up a few days ago has paid off.
Anyways, here's the gallery...