Like I Was Saying...
I heard a vlog tonight that reminded me that to have a story, you have to conflict.
I’ve written stories before. Hell, I’ve written a couple of screenplays back in the day.
One thing I was good at, at least I thought I was good at, was creating conflict in stories.
I once had this story idea about Werewolf Monks. See, in this world I' d created, there were good werewolves and bad werewolves.
The good werewolves, who were monks, would go around killing the bad werewolves. My werewolf monks were “protecting the flock,” if you will.
It was thing that had gone on for centuries. Everything was going well, until my hero saw that killing the bad werewolves, ran opposite to the Church’s teaching on killing. So he stopped. The only problem was that the bad werewolves didn’t stop.
Hence, conflict. (Mental Note: I need to finish that screenplay.)
The reason I bring this up is because one of the things my blog lacks is conflict.
So I take a picture and at least you can tell what it is, but big whoop.
See, my goal in life is to be a full-time creative. That for as long as can remember, I’ve always to create stories or take photos for a living. That was my goal.
This isn’t to say I’m not happy in my job or my current status in life. I like where I work. I like the job, the people, the product, and I like selling. I’m pretty good at it.
It pays the bills.
But what I’m doing now isn’t what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. Selling software was never the ultimate goal.
The goal was always to be a storyteller in some fashion and to make a living off it.
Let’s not mince words, if I could make a decent living telling stories and taking pictures, and ensure a comfortable old age, I would tell stories for a living.
So that’s what this blog is about. It’s about getting to that place.
Everyday I try to balance being a husband, a father, and a provider with this not so secret ambition. Well, work doesn’t know. They think this is hobby and it is. Since I don't get paid.
Now, other things have crept in the milieu of my desires. Like proclaiming the Good News and promoting Rugby.
These things are part of the story now.
So this blog is story of me trying to achieve this one goal: to be a full time creative.
Most days I fail towards trying to achieve this goal. Most days I take a bad photograph.
Most days I fall asleep wondering if there was more I could’ve done or think that I’ll do better tomorrow.
When I go to sleep at night, I say to myself, tomorrow I’m going to finally apply myself and commit to the goal.
But I don’t, I end up taking one picture when I know, I should’ve taken twenty-seven pictures.
But I wanted to let you know or to remind myself what I’m doing and what’s at stake.
I have one life in this finite Universe. I want to spend the rest of it telling stories and shooting my pictures or movies, so I can rest easy when the time comes.