Doing A Hard Reset

So the good news is setting your Mac back to factory settings is pretty easy. The bad news is that I had to do it in the first place.

For the past couple of weeks, my year-old Mac has been running a bit sluggish, especially Safari. We’re talking about a slow crawl to browse the web.

I’d tried a couple of suggestions from various YouTubers but to no avail. So I bit the bullet and did a hard reset.

Resetting my Mac kinda works out since I’m going to try a couple of new things with my photography and video.

One new rule I will implement is that if the sun is out, I will record videos or take pictures.

It’s the whole; I spend way too much time inside and need to get out more. There are only so many pictures I can take of the dog.

Earlier today, we finished moving mom into my brother’s house. So that’s a good thing.

Other than that, I’ve been sluggish again today. Even though the drive from El Paso didn’t seem as long, I felt it today.

What gets me is that while on the road, I was tired. Driving that last leg, all I could think of was hitting the pillow.

But what usually happens is that my mind wakes up when I walk back into the house.

So it takes me a couple of hours to wind down, no matter how tired I feel. This happens every damn time.

So I went to bed late last night only to walk up a couple of hours later.

So again, I walked around most of the day in this zombie-like state where my body was moving, but my mind is mush.

I’m not a big fan of those days, so I’m glad I could pull off resetting my Mac without any major mishaps. The couple of hiccups I did have were driving me nuts. I get really short when I’m tired.

If there were one more hiccup, I probably would’ve thrown my Mac against the wall. (I wouldn’t, but it sure felt like I would have.)

Either way, I’m kinda glad; resetting my Mac feels like a clean slate if you will. There were a couple of files just hanging around and felt like bread crumbs that I couldn’t clear away unless I did a massive reset.

One lesson I learned this week after clearing out the old house is that I need clean my slate every so often before the *Chincero* starts piling up. I’m not a big fan of clutter, but I seem to acquire it anyway.

We’ll see if I can remain disciplined in keeping my digital clutter to a minimum, but if not, then I’ll have to make resetting my Mac a bi-yearly occurrence.

Still, the thought of reloading all my Apps seems cumbersome, so I’ll have to set up some pretty strict rules around what I keep and what I don’t.