Re: Conspiracy Theories
I have a good friend that loves himself a conspiracy theories. To what degree does he truly believe in them, I don’t know.
My friend questions the roundness of the earth. He’s suspicious of the trials planes leave, and marks the weather the next day.
He questions the moon landing and thinks the international space station is a ruse.
Today’s theory: Oil is renewable resource.
Basically, oil coming from dead dinosaurs is a big lie. They needed to make oil appear scarce in order to make it a profitable commodity.
Oil comes from our old waste.
I let him make his argument, because that’s what friends do. It’s better than arguing football.
I’m not too big on conspiracy theories.
I fall in the camp that if you want to keep a secret between two people, it’s better that one of them is dead.
For me, most conspiracy theories fall apart when there’s more than two people involved or whole organizations.
People are vain and if someone were to persuade a fraud on that scale, they would feel the need to take credit.
I remember watching Loose Change after 9/11. Loose Change was a documentary about 9/11 was an inside job.
And thought it was utter bull.
The idea that the US Government would kill that many people to facilitate a war for oil or any other reason is silly.
Three was a successful conspiracy on 9/11: Osama Bin Laden and his men brought down the Twin Towers. The assholes.
There is one conspiracy I do think has been fairly successful and that was by Dr. Ansel Keyes.
For those unfamiliar, Dr. Ansel Keyes was responsible for the idea that saturated fat was the cause of heart disease back in the 60’s and 70’s.
The US Government, the medical experts, and the public bought Dr. Keyes science. Keyes finding have been the corner stone of dirt and health for then last fifty or sixty ears.
There’s only one problem: Keyes fudged his data to fit his narrative.
As far as I know, his research hasn’t been replicated.
Thing is dietary fat is good for you.
What Keyes research did do (either intended to or not!, replaced fat with sugar.
Well, needless to say, Keyes research has lead to an obesity rate and other metabolic diseases.
It’s been hard watching loved ones whiter way early due to bad diets.
I often blame Keyes.
The hard part is that Keyes’ finding have been disproven, but it’s still a staple to establishment.
Now, do modern day doctors go back and question Keyes work?
Not really, most doctors still treat Keyes finding as gospel truth.
I do think there people that know Keyes was wrong, but are so invested that can’t admit it, even to themselves.
Better to be wrong, than admit it, and sued.
I also believe that if stopped using Keyes as the foundation of good health, it would fix our heart and save Medicare.