I need to prepare for whatever is coming.
The news today isn't good, inflation ticked up again, and that's not good.
Opec+ is cutting down its oil production. Also not good. If I kept anything from high school economics, a limit in supply with an increase in demand is going to drive up prices. That's going to be no Bueno.
I read something today; the average American is paying 15% more on everyday items.
I began to notice late last year, despite the money I was making, it wasn't going as far as it once did. Something had changed.
I think things are going to get worse before it gets better.
These are scary times.
Now, I'm not making the money I once made, and I am in a sort of survival mode.
I never understood people that dropped out of the workforce. Like what did these people do to survive?
I'm getting a clue about what they did. It's not easy and requires a bit of hustle, but it can, as far as I know, can be done.
Still, there was a bit of comfort that it's doable, but it all rests on the work ethic I think I've developed over the years.
I went out with Jake again today, helped with a move, and did a little social media.
Again, it's good to be outside, doing things instead of being cooped up in my office.
This one moment I was standing in his trailer looking over a fence at a line of green trees that hadn't turned on their fall coat.
I wouldn't see that if I were still working from home or in an office. Maybe I'm trying to romanticize my predicament. That's possible.
Maybe I have to romanticise my predicament to help me get through it.
I'm not sure at this point. Some hard truths are coming up, so we'll see what happens.
One thing I need to work on is my positivity.
While working in the trailer I was listening to this podcast by Jeff Blount. He's a sales guru I found a little while ago.
During his keynote on this one podcast, he was talking about this experiment about two young boys put in a room to see how they react to their circumstances.
One kid, known for his pessimism, was put in a room full of toys, almost like it was Christmas morning. After a while, he began to complain and asked for more.
The other kid, an optimist, was put in a room full of horse poop. Well, when the scientist checked on him, the optimistic kid had found a pitchfork in the room, left by one of the workers.
The optimistic kid was shoveling poop all over the place.
The scientist, wondering what he was doing, went into the room, asking him what he was doing.
Well, the optimistic kid said, I figure with all this horse poop around, I'm bound to find a pony.
Now, I don't know if this story is true, but I know I would like it to be true.
I'd also like to think I'm surrounded by horse shit, and I'll shovel it around until I find that damn pony.