Why So Serious?

In yesterday's Skating the River post, I started it by typing Like I Was Saying, the name of this here blog.

I hadn't done that for a while. That set the tenor of a lighter post.

And that got me thinking, 'Andrew; you're a little too serious about things on your blog."

This is ironic for a guy whose motto is never to get into a situation you can't find the humor in.

I try to keep it light as I traverse through this mortal coil. I'm pretty quick with a comeback. I make fun of everything, race, religion, politics, hell, even your mom (if we're cool.)

My goal is to make people laugh or at least give 'em a little chuckle.

I miss more than land when it comes to my jokes.

One of the things still on my bucket list is to do an open mic night.

Other than four more years of Joe Biden, doing an open mic night terrifies the living hell out of me.

I don't envy comics. It's hard being a comedian with cancel culture and cuckold husbands; just ask Chris Rock.

These days you have to worry about the woke mob. There are people out there that think words are violent. Incidentally, some people think words are a call to violence or harassment (think Alex Jones fans).

I'm more of a stick, and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. People make fun of me all the time. However, I'm a big fan of a good quip or a good comeback.

Can a joke be mean-spirited?

Oh, sure, if the person telling the joke hates humanity.

I think that is where the difference lies; if you're going to tell a joke or make fun of a person, you gotta like 'em first.

There are not a lot of people I don't like on this side of God's creation.

Look, life is tragic and full of suffering. That's our default. There's no need to make it tougher, and we've been given the gift of humor.

That said, I need to start embracing this side of myself.

I think I've wanted to be serious, and that's causing some kind of mental block because, well, that's not who I am. I kid a lot.

I'm trying to be something I'm not.

Don't get me wrong; comedy is a hard business.

It's ain't easy.

But if it works, it works.

All this to say that I'm going to be a bit lighter on myself.

I'm going to ease back on the artsy-fartsy side of myself and let have fun.

Maybe if I'm having fun, other people will have fun.

We'll see how this goes, but for right now, this seems like the right direction.

Like I Was Saying was supposed to be this ongoing conversation your having with me. Well, if you're sitting across the table from me, I will try my damndest to make you laugh.