One Busy Saturday

I'm still a tad hungover from my trip to El Paso.

I still had the U-Hual we had rented with some items I kept from my last house. So I had to unload 'em before I had to return the U-Haul.

Two items have been the bane of my existence ever since I loaded 'em onto the U-Haul.

Mom and Dad bought a new washer and dryer set a few years ago. They're not bad and way better than the set we currently own. Mom said I could have 'em.


Only one problem: the dryer needs gas.

Well, our house doesn't have a gas connection, which sucks. I'm a big believer that gas stoves are way better than electric stoves. I'd fight you on this point.

Plus, having a gas connection would've been nice to have during SNOWVID 2020, just in case our power went out.

And now, having a gas connection would allow Lucy and me to have a newer washer and dryer set.

We could keep the washer and go get another dryer, but our OCD kicks in. We want a set.

So we've decided to sell the set and pocket the cash towards the purchase of a new set.

So I spent my morning unloading the washer and dryer. The dryer is pretty light, but the washer is heavy as hell. Thankfully I had a dolly.

Also, yesterday we were having a neighborhood garage sale. The HOA advertises the garage sale as a way to bring in more buyers.

So I honestly thought we would be able to move the set pretty quickly.

We did get a few nibbles but no takers.

The thing is, I had to return the dolly with the truck, so I couldn't move the washer and dryer to into the garage.

So I left them out overnight, pinning them between two cars.

I'll have to move 'em into the garage today if we don't sell them today.

The good news is that I also inherited a King size bed from my parent's house. Lucy and I have been wanting one for years after sleeping on a queen size bed.

Mom says transferring to a King size bed saved her marriage.

I'm all in for anything that can help a marriage.

It wasn't bad. The bed sits a little low, but we can get a new frame at some point.

But I spent part of yesterday braking down beds, hauling 'em from one room to another, and setting 'em up. Oy!

We got to see Marcos play yesterday, but the camera they usually use wasn't working due to Hurricane Ian.

Luckily one of The Mounts' injured players streamed it live on Instagram. The quality wasn't excellent, but we at least saw Marcos make a great flying tackle.

Regarding my photo challenge, I did miss two shots yesterday.

The first one we while I was driving to Home Depot, I saw a slew of police cars. We're talking about twenty vehicles. One of the police officers was in tactical gear.

One, I didn't know my burb had twenty police cars and could deploy them anytime.

So that's a rare sight.

I thought about pulling over and getting my photojournalism on but decided against it. I think the problem was I was wearing flip-flops. Flip flops don't scream photojournalist to me.

The other was a bumper with stickers I didn't quite get. It has those Trump stickers with him pointing to a flag I didn't recognize.

I caught the bumper as I was driving away. I did circle back, thinking of taking a shot but then asking why?

I'm torn because, on the one hand, am I being discerning of what I'm photographing, or as I look for my "photographic style," should I shoot with reckless abandon?

I did regret not taking either photo. So maybe that's the answer to my question.