
When it rains, it pours.

About a week ago Lucy and I had noticed the CRV started vibrating while we drove it. It felt like the tires, so today I took it to Firestone.

Lucy had gotten new tires on it a few yards ago, but we had put some miles on the car. We put about a couple of thousand miles on the CRV alone. So I was expecting to have to buy a new set of tires.

The store manager looked at the tires and at first glance said they looked fine, but he’d have a technician take a look. Awesome.

When the tech checked the tires, he found that the back tires were warped. What this told him was that our rear shocks were out. Damn.

I gave the CRV the same stink eye I gave my Corolla the day before: you couldn’t of done the while I was banking?

They gave me an estimate for the repair.

The cool thing was they advised not to change the tires  until the we fixed the shocks. That meant they’d take the hit on selling tires until we fixed the problem. That meant a lot to me.

As I left, I called Caesar and he said he could fix my shocks cheaper and faster.

So I drove back to my mechanics shop and switched out my CRV with my Corolla with its new clutch. It wasn’t cheap.

So, yeah, dealing with these cars hasn’t been easy.

This brings a huge question of me going back into the corporate life. Yeah, its a tough market, but I might need to get a steady job an forego this little experiment I’m doing.

Which begs another question: am I making progress?

Look, I know Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it feels like the Visigoths are already on the horizon.

So I need to do some soul searching and it’s gotta be quick.

Which leads me to my next question: what the heck do I want to do?

What the heck in my life is worth sharing?

Today I had a thought, why don’t you just share what you think is cool?

Like the other day, I saw some cool clouds, but who the hell wants to see cool clouds. You can just look out the window and see cool clouds, if there are any.

Again, this is something I wrestle with quite a bit on a moment by moment bases.

I know I don’t want to make content for contents sake. It’s like I’m stuck in some kind of strange limbo of creativity I can’t seem to pray myself out of.

It’s the strangest thing.

Either way, I feel like the window is closing and I don’t know why.

I don’t want to force anything, because what fun is that?

But I need to say or do something.

The only solace I’ve got going right now is this streak. I know, if nothing else, I’ve got this blog (which no one reads), but hey at least it’s something.