The Fixer Can’t Fix Himself

Like I Was Saying…

Turns out I’m good at solving other people’s problem. My problems, not so much. It’s the weirdest thing.

I watched my friend for about a week, watching him work and listening to what he wanted. And I took notes.

So today I helped him go digital. We set up a Google calendar as a first step. Now, he and all of employees are on the same page.

It’s a big change and should help him manage his time and his jobs better.

Then, I saw his intake forms for his jobs.

There had to be a better way.

So my friends wife (his business partner) and I brainstormed some ideas. Once we had sometime tangible down, I came home and whipped up a new intake form that should make my fiend’s life easier.

Turns out, he really liked it.

Again, this is a small tweak, but should pay dividends. It should help us identify some trends with the “CRM” I created. It’s ain’t automated yet, but we’ll get there.

Again, baby steps.

As much as I enjoy clearing away his challenges, I’d really like to address mine.

It’s weird thing.

Like I’d like to blog more. Doesn’t happen.

I’d love to take more pictures, but for some reason, I just don’t.

I’d love to make more videos and upload ‘em on YouTube, but my channel is dormant.

Again, I can troubleshoot someone else’s issues, but can’t seem to troubleshoot my own.

This happened at my last job.

I was able to see the problems pretty quickly and correct them and helped scaled my sales team to becoming a revenue producing team.

Now, if I could just do the same for myself.

If there was only a way I could be a tad more self-aware of what I was doing and take my own damn advice.

Again, it’s one of those things I could fix and fix it fast.

I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.

I’d love idea of this blog being more of a digital sketch book for my creativity and thoughts.

I simply forget to blog during the day and remember late into the evening. Maybe it’s just something I need to embrace.

This blog will never be like Facebook.

I’d love it to be, but posting on this blog isn’t as easy as posting on Facebook or other social media platforms.

I hate the idea of giving up on that idea, but it maybe just needs to be a reality I embrace.

I’m not sure yet, but I’m still going to try.

I’ve seen it done, and I’ll admit, I do think I could do a better job.

It’s getting the job done where I run into a problem.

Look, I’m trying to find my voice. That’s the whole point of the blog and all the other things I want to do.

But again, I need to find away to troubleshoot what I’m doing, be critical of how I’m doing it and finding ways to fix it.