Dreaming of Tool

This is a late post today. 

I got up early to work a move with Jacob and shoot some video for the social media blitz we're working on right now. 

Canva is a God send. 

So yesterday, I finally posted this blog on Facebook, and this little hole-in-the-wall blog got the most traffic it's ever seen. 

I'm remiss that I didn't write an intro to this blog. I had thought about writing one but never got around to it. SMH. 

I may have to whip one up real quick. 

What's funny is that I don't know what to write exactly because I'm still trying to get a bearing on this blog. 

All I know is that I'm getting used to blogging and sharing what I'm doing on a public platform. 

I did feel terrible today. 

So Jacob is an old and dear friend. I'd take a nuke for the guy. Jacob is a huge fan of Tool's music. He was playing it on the radio and riffing poetically on why he loved Tool. Like Jacob was going into what the song meant to him. He was quoting lyrics. He was going off on his love of Tool's music. 

We had just eaten lunch at Cane's, and I had eaten their chicken sandwich and a large order of fries. Plus, I was tried from having to wake up early, and now this large lunch was -- well, just eating my lunch. 

And man, the need for an afternoon siesta hit me like a ton of bricks. Additionally, Jacob drives a huge Ford 350, and let me tell you, those seats are comfortable as hell. 

Then there was the lull of the road and the engine roaring a lullaby that I just dozed off. 

Man, did I feel like crap. 

When I woke up from my short nap, the radio was quiet. Jake was watching the road. 

My plan the next time Jacob and I are in the truck; I'm going to order my Unsweetened Tea concoction from Starbucks and ask him to play Tool and tell everything he knows about the band and their music. 

I've been to a Tool concert. Years ago. 

I worked with two guys that were huge fans and went ballistic when I asked who Tool was. So part of my education was they bought me a ticket to Tool. 

Like Jacob said today, one of the things I caught, was that Tool was the Pink Floyd of our generation. I could see that. 

I remember from that Tool concert that the lead singer sang with his back to the crowd, which I thought was weird. I remember enjoying the show, but Tool just wasn't my cup of tea. 

It's been a long day. However, I did manage to put a short video together and send it to Jacob. 

The only thing that's bothering me right now is that there aren't a lot of people in my pictures. So I think I'm going to have to make it a point to photograph more people in the days and weeks to come.