The Hustle Party Won Out, Sorta

I’d rather a busy day start off early, rather than late.

Like in the moving business, I prefer a move start at eight or nine as opposed to a move that started at one or two.

The earlier one made the day go by faster. Your up, ready to work, and you worked. By the time the one or two rolled around, you’d have to gear up for work.

I bring this up because Lucy and I had plans to clear up the garage yesterday, but Marcos started plying at two PM our time as opposed to one.

For some reason that small change threw off our Saturday.

Look, we love our lazy weekends, but we know when we’ve got s**t to do.

We ended up watching the game. Marcos played well, but his side lost. I blame the ref, but that’s for another post about poor officiating in sports.

We sat there after the game spent, as if played the game.

We watched a little a TV, took an afternoon siesta, and the next thing I know it’s almost five thirty.

It’s five thirty and I haven’t taken one single frame for my photo challenge.

I sat there for awhile debating picking up my camera running out and photographing something, anything, to keep up my streak.

Usually, debates in my mind play out like Prime Minister’s questions in the UK & Canada.

The debate is between the Hustle Party and Lazy Ass Party, but the PM is a independent.

Luckily the Hustle Party won out and I grabbed my camera, jumped in the car and went out into the world.

I was losing the sun, I’d get a half out of Golden Hour, but more Blue Hour.

I opted for a nearby park.

When I parked, I thought I’d hit up a trail I seen there a long while ago. Instead, I saw an opening that lead up to some train tracks that cut through town.

That’s what I ended up photographing yesterday.

I walked along the track for quite awhile, snapping away at anything I saw interesting.

Even ended up taking a little video.

Lucy did call to ask where I was and I told her I was on the railroad tracks and she well, she didn’t like that at all.

It was nice to walk around the tracks.

But my day didn’t end there -

So it turns out, Marcos’ college has a fall break, kinda of like Spring Break, but without all the partying. So we were going to fly him back home.

Well, Marcos called us way early this morning to tell us, the guy that was supposed to drive him an hour to the airport, couldn’t do it anymore.

So we spent the wee hours of the morning trying to sort out some new travel plans for him.

It was a rough morning and consequently a rough day.

But the good news is that Marcos is home now, at least for a week, and it’ll be good to have him around.