Like I Was Saying...
So I just recorded my first podcast!
Yes, now I’m trying out podcasting. Hell, I’ve a face for radio, so we’ll see how this pans out. Again, I’m trying to experiment with new forms of self-expression.
Truth be told, listening to it, it’s not half bad. It’s not great by any means, but I kinda of feel there’s something there.
I don’t even like the sound of my own voice. It’s just like I don’t like seeing myself on camera, don’t ask me why.
Re-listening to what I recorded, I can tell you that I do ramble quite a bit. The other thing is I use a lot of filler words and sometimes my thoughts are very disjointed.
I did ramble quite a bit at times as I was looking for words, but not too much at times.
I did start and stop a few times. I think I need to get better at outlining what I’m going to say instead of just riffing (its the same thing with video), I’m just not intuitive about it. I think this mainly because I lack self-confidence in what I’m doing, but that will come with practice.
But like I said, it’s not too too bad.
Where do I hope this goes?
How often do I hope to post?
Right now, I don’t rightly know.
The big thing I think I want to do is do a combination of Eric Kim’s vlog/podcast couple with Dan’s Just Listen where he does some slice of life stuff.
Maybe something called Collecting Sound.
I also want to do Tuesday’s With Jerry where we discuss life and politics during our first meeting of the day.
I don’t know, this is one of those things, that the ideas come fast and furious and I have to write them all down, but we’ll see.
Thing is -- thing is -- for some damn reason I can’t remember my email password. It’s like all of a sudden, I forget my passwords when I really need to remember them and what’s worse is that I have a password reminder, but for some damn reason, I didn’t save my new passwords. Ugh.
So now I have to wait for an email to help me remember my password when I could’ve sworn I asked that a password reminder be sent to my phone.
Ever since I reset my Mac I’ve been having issues with passwords. It sucks and it’s infuriating, but hey it’s first world problems right.
Anyways, today was a good day, got to see Marcos play his last game of the season sorta for The Mount and man was he running fast and a terror on the field.
Thing is the automatic camera they have to film the games was buggy and for some reason kept panning away from the action when The Mount was near the try line.
Part of me wished I’d won that Billion dollar ticket so I could hire a professional crew and fly in come commentary guys to talk about the game to just give us a pleasant watching experience.
Only one problem: I didn’t buy a ticket and someone in California already won it.