Like I Was Saying...
It’s very rare to be in the presence of vision. You know what I’m talking about, someone sees something that not everyone sees and come hell or high-water, they implement that vision.
A few years ago, Dr. Paul David (AKA Coach Rock) stepped out in his back of his Chiropractic office and saw a Rugby field.
Now, this is Round Rock, Texas. In Texas, football is king. If not football, then it’s either baseball or basketball.
So if you were to say, “I’m going to build a baseball field,” or “I’m going to build a basketball court,” no one would bat an eye.
If you were to say, “I’m going to build a football field,” then I think folks would ask why? We’ve already got so many and football is usually associated with schools or local parks.
So to say, you’re going to build a rugby field, people would look at you cross eyed. Rugby is a very little known sport in Texas.
But that’s what Dr. Rock did. He build a rugby field and an athletic center behind his chiropractic office.
It was labor of love and he sunk a lot of own money into it.
So that’s what I did this evening. I recorded and took some pics of the dedication of Rock Rugby filed, now known as Dr. Todd Knight Field.
Coach Rock and Dr. Todd Knight coached Rock Rugby for some ten years. They were good friends until Dr. Knight was tragically killed in a car accident a few years ago.
I don’t know if he knew of Coach Rock’s ambitions to build a field, but if he did, I don’t think he’d ever guess that the field would be named in his honor.
It’s not a bad little field. What really makes the filed is the goal posts. I think without the posts its just a field, but the goal posts (and no where to put soccer goal posts) makes it into a rugby field.
It’s a nice field.
I remember hearing about it, but its one of those things I never though I’d see or would be complete long after I’m gone.
I got to see it today.
I’ll admit, I use to be a guy with a vision. Not for something as tangible as rugby field, but with creative stuff.
I still have them: visions.
Sometimes I can see projects so completely I could almost touch them. Then, when the questions start popping up into my mind, the vision dissipates.
It’s something I need to work on.
As of late, part of me thinks I lack vision right now. For some reason, I lost the long play, and haven’t been able to get it back. I use to think that making a movie was the pinnacle of what I needed to do or maybe to make a successful blog.
That’s something I need to work on, getting my vision back, because I honestly don’t know.
And that’s a problem I’ll have to remedy rather quickly.