1 Dec. 2022

Like I Was Saying…

First things first: what happened to my streak?

Well, I got my second case of COVID.

My theory is I contracted it from my brother Eric the night of my nieces’ birthday party on Friday.

It’s funny because I started feeling odd that following Monday and I knew I had it. I took a home test and it came up positive.

By Monday night, I was experiencing much of the same symptoms I’d experienced before.

Yes, fatigue and chills.

But mostly, COVID attacks my legs. Like my legs are falling asleep and I can’t wake them up. So I rub my legs together trying to wake ‘em up.

Early Tuesday morning I woke up with a fever and started writing my will in head.

Hell, I get morbid with a common cold.

Needless to say, I wasn’t feeling up to writing or much of anything else. Plus, there wasn’t much to write about other than binge watching Bosch for the third time.

So COVID took my streak and I haven’t been able to get back on the horse until today.

What really sucked about having COVID was by Thanksgiving I’d lost my sense of taste. Like I Was Saying…

First things first: what happened to my streak?

Well, I got my second case of COVID.

My theory is I contracted it from my brother Eric the night of my nieces’ birthday party on Friday.

It’s funny because I started feeling odd that following Monday and I knew I had it. I took a home test and it came up positive.

By Monday night, I was experiencing much of the same symptoms I’d experienced before.

Yes, fatigue and chills.

But mostly, COVID attacks my legs. Like my legs are falling asleep and I can’t wake them up. So I rub my legs together trying to wake ‘em up.

Early Tuesday morning I woke up with a fever and started writing my will in head.

Hell, I get morbid with a common cold.

Needless to say, I wasn’t feeling up to writing or much of anything else. Plus, there wasn’t much to write about other than binge watching Bosch for the third time.

So COVID took my streak and I haven’t been able to get back on the horse until today.

What really sucked about having COVID was by Thanksgiving I’d lost my sense of taste.

Lucy cooked up this wonderful Thanksgiving meal since she had quarantined with me and I couldn’t taste a thing.

As the week wore on I was able to taste the leftovers, but it would’ve been nice to tasted ‘em together on Thanksgiving. Alas, it could’ve been worse.

Still, there was a lot to be thankful for this year, despite my current unemployment.

My loving wife taking care of me. My son experiencing a different kind of Thanksgiving. My mom having moved closer to my brother and I. Plus my brother and his family and my friends.

So I’m getting back Skating the River and writing again with a renewed vigor.

Let’s see how long I can keep this streak going.

I have done a lot of thinking recently about where I’m headed. There’s a lot more questions than answers, but at least I feel like I’m thinking of the right questions.

There is one rule I’d like to adopt: finish what you start.

One of the problems with my creativity is that I don’t finish projects.

I have a ton of project ideas and start some of those ideas, but a lot of my projects did on the vine.

It’s one of the reasons I like Skating the River. My self imposed rule of writing five hundred words plus posting daily gave me goal and a deadline.

So Skating the River gave me a sense of accomplishment. And trust me, there are/were days this was trudge.

Now I need to apply this to other projects I’m working on.

There’s some other projects I’m working on right now, while still trying to figure out my job situation. The current economy isn’t comforting, but one simply needs to press on.

So here’s to getting back on the saddle again and see how far I can ride this horse.

Lucy cooked up this wonderful Thanksgiving meal since she had quarantined with me and I couldn’t taste a thing.

As the week wore on I was able to taste the leftovers, but it would’ve been nice to tasted ‘em together on Thanksgiving. Alas, it could’ve been worse.

Still, there was a lot to be thankful for this year, despite my current unemployment.

My loving wife taking care of me. My son experiencing a different kind of Thanksgiving. My mom having moved closer to my brother and I. Plus my brother and his family and my friends.

So I’m getting back Skating the River and writing again with a renewed vigor.

Let’s see how long I can keep this streak going.

I have done a lot of thinking recently about where I’m headed. There’s a lot more questions than answers, but at least I feel like I’m thinking of the right questions.

There is one rule I’d like to adopt: finish what you start.

One of the problems with my creativity is that I don’t finish projects.

I have a ton of project ideas and start some of those ideas, but a lot of my projects did on the vine.

It’s one of the reasons I like Skating the River. My self imposed rule of writing five hundred words plus posting daily gave me goal and a deadline.

So Skating the River gave me a sense of accomplishment. And trust me, there are/were days this was trudge.

Now I need to apply this to other projects I’m working on.

There’s some other projects I’m working on right now, while still trying to figure out my job situation. The current economy isn’t comforting, but one simply needs to press on.

So here’s to getting back on the saddle again and see how far I can ride this horse.