Like I Was Saying...
A little four AM rant:
This early morning started with Sophie, our ninety-seven-year-old Pomeranian poodle scratching at the door. She needs out. So I get up and of course, the house is dark.
My mother-in-law is asleep on the couch. No, it’s not because we’re cruel or have the space. My mother-in-law has to sleep sitting up for health reasons. Yeah, it boggles my mind.
I look at the clock while letting Sophie out.
Dear God, four AM. No problem, I’ll let Sophie out and go back to bed in no time.
Sophie takes a while so I’m trying to fight off whatever bodily chemicals are telling my body to wake up. Then, I gotta go to the bathroom. Fine, I’ll go, do my business, and when I get back, Sophie should be done.
So when I go to the guest bathroom, I’m met with a gross mess from one of the other dogs. *Damn*. Screw it, I’ll pick it up when I wake up.
I go back to get Sophie. As I’m walking back to bed in the dark, headed back to bed and blessed sleep when...splat.
Double damn. But I didn’t say Damn.
Now, I’m awake.
This brings me back to Skating the River.
I’ve been out of sorts for a while. There’s a lot happening in my corner of the world. Hell, just the other night there was Blood Moon.
One of the things I feel I’m lacking is a semblance of control. Not that I’m a control freak or that I could stop a lunar event, but I can do something creative with what I’m experiencing in life.
I’ve always wanted to write. I’ve wanted to write screenplays, short films, blogs, and recently scripts for YouTube videos. In fact, I’ve been missing writing screenplays.
Plus, I’ve always wanted to keep a proper daily blog or sort of online journal.
Yes, I know I’ve written this a thousand times. (I’m not kidding), but I’m going to try to start this habit again.
I’m a big believer in what Jordan Peterson says, “in order to think you need to know how to write.”
I’ve always wanted to think a little more deeply about the world I’m living in.
The one thing I can control, *right now*, is taking a few minutes out of my day and writing something down about my day and posting it.
My hope is that if I’m writing in my daily blog as a sort of groundwork, then maybe, just maybe the worlds will flow in other facets of my life.
So we’ll see how this goes.
I mean, what else is there to do at four AM with the smell of dog shit lingering in your nose?