I’ve always been a night owl. Now, I’ve always wanted to be one of those people that go to bed at ten and wake up before the sun came up.
Lord knows I’ve tried a couple of times. I think my longest steak is two nights before I give up on it.
It’s funny because the impulse to be creative often hits me around nine-thirty or about ten o’clock.
In fact, I remember writing Man of the House well into the night.
I say that because I’m writing this at midnight.
Yes, I’ve had a helluva day that started at four AM yesterday morning.
There were moments today when things got hairy both at work and in my personal life.
But as mentally tired as I am, I feel the compulsion to write. To put something down. As I said, I wish I could change it. I probably could with a little bit of gumption, but right now it is what it is.
One thing I did do today is deleted my Tiktok account.
As fun as it is, I’m finding that I spend too much time on the app.
Now there are things I like about TikTok.
Like the creative filmmaking that people are doing on the app. Searching TikTok reminds me of Every Frame a Painting’s vlog on Edgar Wright's comedy. We’re talking everyday people using the tips Every Frame a Painting suggests. It’s really cool.
Now, it would be cool if created on TikTok’s, but I don’t.
So it’s time to say goodbye to that social media platform.
If I wasn’t doing Social Media for Rock Rugby, I’d be tempted to get rid of those.
But for now, baby steps.