So I have this terrible habit that I need to break: I don't leave the house. So now we're not talking I've got agoraphobia to where I need to see a doctor.
At least, I don't think it's that serious - yet.
I wasn't always like this.
Of course, Pre-Pandemic, I'd leave the house to work. But even then, my first instinct after work was to get home ASAP. My routine was work, then home. I rarely went out for beers with co-workers.
Then the Pandemic hit, and well, there went the ball game. Now staying home meant saving lives. I liked working remotely because of oodles of time not commuting.
But when the restrictions loosened up, I still opted to stay home.
This slight agoraphobia is bothering me today because a) I might have to commute to a new job, and b) there's only so much to photograph in my house.
Now I got it yesterday. I planned to work all day and maybe go out to eat with Lucy.
But Lucy needed to work on her classroom and asked if I'd help. I said okay.
But right before leaving, Lucy texted me, telling me the storm passing through had just knocked out the lights. So she was coming home.
I was relieved because I didn't have to leave the house.
I did go to Wing Stop, and while there, this guy and I watched a few innings of the Little League World Series between Japan and Canada.
We talked about how passionate the Japanese are about baseball. He said it was because we've got tons of sports here in the US. That made a little sense.
And I was reminded why I couldn't watch sports, yelling at some kid that missed a nice pitch over the plate. The whole place looked at me, and I smiled and pointed at the TV.
I brought up that Marcos plays rugby to the guy watching the game with me, and he said, "I thought about playing rugby, but my body is a temple. I need pads and a helmet." I hadn't heard that one before.
Then this one woman walked in with this nice aquatic sleeve tattoo. This Marlin was jumping out of the water on the back of her arm. It was so detailed the artist even got a glint of the sun hitting the Marlin in midair. I lost count of the sea creatures she had on there. The coolest part is that her entire sleeve was aqua for the ocean. The tattoo stretched from her upper arm down to her wrists.
I'm kicking myself for not writing down the tattoo artist's name since I did ask. I'm still considering getting tatted up.
The good news is that I have an interview already set for Monday.
Some lady liked my graceful post on LinkedIn about leaving my job and messaged me, which was cool.
So I'm back on the saddle again on that.
But before I forget, why is my leaving the house a big deal to me this morning? Well, I need to get out into the world a bit more. I need to make it a point not only to photograph but live a life worth photographing and meeting new and exciting people.
That's what was bothering me this morning.