Right now, a couple of ideas are rolling around the old noggin.
The first idea is to take a serious shot at starting my own photography business. I think of selling my services as having a "team photographer."
You hire me to show up to your team's game. I'll take my photos, edit them, and send you the link to the pass gallery. In addition, the team gets ten free pictures for marketing purposes.
You send the links to your parents, and they pay, say, five bucks for the license to put the pictures on social feeds or have the option to print.
What's the value I'm providing: parents can sit and enjoy the game while leaving the photography to me.
I'm calling this Hero Shots for now.
Plus, I'll take portrait shots or team photos as well.
My pie-in-the-sky idea is if you hire me for the whole season, I'll print a yearbook for you that you can print on demand.
The other aspect of my business will be documentary photography. (This idea is a tad nebulous right now.)
Plus, I'm taking photos of Round Rock and the surrounding Hill Country area and selling the prints and street photography.
That's one idea.
Couple this with continuing marketing with Rock Rugby and maybe marketing with other local teams, plus for small businesses like Jakes.
I need to get better at copywriting.
The other pie-in-the-sky idea I'm having, and this one is crazy, and would take a lot of time, work, and tons of research to do it justice.
But I'm considering taking Dan Carlin's Hardcore History but applying it to the History of the Catholic Church. So we're talking about taking a deep dive into the current research available. But telling the Catholic Church history, both good and bad.
And here's the kicker, I'll read a couple of books from Church's perspective and other perspectives as well to see if we can get a clear picture of what really happened.
I'm thinking of doing a season on the Early Church, the Crusades, etc.
I'll tackle some of the Myths and real stuff. I'll throw in the lives of the Saints and heroes and scoundrels of the Catholic faith. We've had a couple.
Anyways, that's an idea I'm toying with right now. There's nothing definitive on this right now.
I was telling Lucy last night, you know, I like being entrepreneurial, but at the same time, I like the comfort of working for other people. There's something in my nature that requires the overall set schedule. I can be creative as I want within those confines. But if I have to set the confines, forget it.
That's how I have a movie that hasn't seen the light of day for eleven years.