To Rant or Not To Rant, That Is the Question

I don't know how Switzerland remains neutral.

Usually, when you link a blog to your business page, you try to remain neutral. This is because you want a prospect to judge you solely on the value of the product or service you can provide them.

Money, after all is agnostic. Or at least it should be.

Of course, you expect a prospect to click around your website to get a sense of who you are and the kind of person they're going into business with.

Now, I fully expect someone to click on this blog and scroll around for a while.

So there is a chance they might click on these blog posts and read them.

My goal with these posts is to practice my writing, get better at articulating my thoughts, and as a journal.

I'm not just a photographer; I'm a storyteller as well.

One of the things I like doing is telling jokes.

In my jokes, you get an immediate sense of who I am and how I bend on most things.

Now, I'm a pretty good judge of my audience, so it may take a while, but I'm sure folks get a sense of where I'm coming from.

But there's always this uneasy tension between me and my humor.

I don't know when it happened, but some beliefs became sacred. And you can't joke around them anymore.

Now, I'm a big George Carlin fan. Yes, I know his thoughts on religion, but that doesn't make him any less funny.

I was never a big fan of boycotts, especially when your belief was the butt of a joke or belief.

So if someone told a joke at the Catholic Church's expense, I only ask that it make a reasonable attempt at being funny or even provocative.

Here was my thing, I believed in a God that created the entire universe. So I'm sure he's bigger than any one joke.

Plus, I'm a free-speech nut. I love free speech. I want to make a living off it.

And yes, is there speech out I disagree with, but that comes part and parcel with living in a free society. As Fluffy would say," 'Mercia."

So speak your mind, just know that your speech can have consequences, good or bad, and you had better be damn sure your words are worth saying.

This brings me back to the blog.

I read the news quite a bit, and there's a lot happening in the news.

Plus, I do believe that, as a society, we're well on our way to a full-blown culture war.

And already, they're casualties as a result of these skirmishes.

My question is, do I want to use this platform as a place to put my thoughts down on where I stand?

It's not like my words will change anything (at least I don't think they are), or will it just add to the noise that already fills up the internet(s).

It's why I left Facebook (sort of) for so long. I got tired of opening up that app, seeing people I held so dear advocate for things I find objectionable.

I don't know; we'll see where I take it from here.