Where's My TinFoil Hat?

Talk about the right Ad at the right time.

While prepping for an interview yesterday, I organized my photos.

I've taken a ton this last year, mainly due to shooting Rugby.

One thing became obvious real quick; my photos need a consistent look.

I remember Nikki Glass roasting Jewel's teeth; they're like the Spice Girls, all fun and doing their own thing.

That's my photography.

That's why I'm trying out a 50mm lens.

One of the recommendations I've glammed off YouTube is to commit to a focal length. The consensus is that 50mm is the best one to up your game.

So 50mm it is.

I also need a consistent workflow, especially when working with RAW. I've never worked with RAW photos and it shows.

The thing is, I'm using Sony Imaging App, and it's a very barebones program and doesn't have presets as Adobe Photoshop does.

I have tried Adobe Photoshop before, but the learning curve was too steep. So I opted for the simplicity of iPhoto.

I eventually planned to buy Capture One, but I never got the chance. Life happened.

So I need to work with what I got for now.

Everybody uses Adobe, but I'm not a big fan of their subscription model, but I may need to bite the bullet.

I have a vague notion of what I want to do regarding my photography, but it's hard to implement right now.

Plus, the clock is ticking when it comes to time. I need income and fast.

So last night, while searching for the silver bullet, I happened on this Ad.

A lovely lady that shoots weddings said all the right things and promised a free webinar on getting a consistent look with your photographs.

Eerie, I know.

I'm convinced that the internet(s)can read minds.

So I signed up for her course to see if I could pick up any tips. So we'll see how it goes.

Yesterday's interview did go well.

The poor HR guy interviewing me looked exhausted. Either that or his yawn told me everything I needed to know about my interview.

The company he's interviewing for is on a tight deadline to fill the spot.

Well, see what happens.

I felt good about some things but worst on other things.

I was prepped for a different kind of interview based off some internet stalking I had done.

I did take another interview, but this one was for a company selling interview software.

You get this link with pre-assigned questions and record your response. Then the company reviews your answers and gets a call back if you made the cut.

It was by far the weirdest interview I've ever had.

I'm use to calling on a webcam, but just talking to a camera proved quite difficult.

Proof again of why I don't vlog, but reminding me that I probably should.

So I would say yesterday was a wash.

There are some promising jobs I'm going to apply for today, then try to start planning for the next month.

One thing I'm proud of is the amount of writing I've been able to do these past few days.

I'll see if I can get some numbers to start tracking myself.