Like I Was Saying…
I stumbled onto Dean Wesley Smith during my wanna be a pulp writer phase.
Yes, I have a few terrible written stories languishing in various hard drive and devices.
I’ve purchased non-fiction stuff, but never his fiction. He genre is western and well, I enjoy a watching a good western, but read a few and well, they’re not my cup of tea.
I’m a big fan of his blog and his thoughts on writing.
He’s written about Heinlein’s rules for writing, which thinking about now, is probably how I found Dean.
Still, when I imagine a vision for the blog, I often think of Dean.
Dean has written a blog post every day for ten years. That’s quite a feat.
And we’re talking words here, not images.
I think blogs are still vital in this day and age.
It’s your own piece of digital real estate. As Eric Kim notes, your not a digital share cropper. Facebook, Instagram, or whatever flavor of the next two/three quarters is own your stuff.
Your at the mercy of their content rules and an algorithm that’ll make ‘em money. Hey, everyone needs to survive.
It’s like donating to Goodwill. Your providing the inventory and they’re making a profit of your junk.
Good for them.
Still, when it comes to my thoughts, images, and videos, I want to see what I can do with my own little garage sale.