This is Just HodgePodge

Okay, last night was rough.

No, I wasn't on an all-night drinking bender, sitting there pontificating at a bar like in the old days.

No, my dumbass took a nap late the day. I'm one of those people that if I take a nap after two AM, I jack up my circadian rhythm for the night.

So I didn't get to sleep until two AM, and then the dogs woke me up about an hour later because they're old and can't control their little bladders till the morning.

So this morning, I've been walking around in a zombie-like state, waiting for my mind to wake up. The coffee I'm drinking is weak, as is the unsweet tea I gulp down.

Why did this happen?

Well, I went out and took some photos for a friend's moving company, and I was moving.

Being tired after yesterday poses a big problem. I need to get in better physical shape if I'm going to do action sports photography.

I'm trying to remember how I did Rugby games and if I was physically hungover after the game.

I want to say I was, but I can't remember exactly.

Either way, I need to restart my diet and start an exercise program.

So usually, I like to Skate the River early in the morning, but my mind was so mush, I couldn't string a sentence together.

Needless to say it's been a rough day.

I loathe these days, so I might need to take one of Jocko Willinck's infamous fifteen-minute power naps.

It's the middle of the day, and I still haven't got this post out.

If I do nothing else now, I need to post this to keep the streak alive.

I want to do a couple of things for the rest of the day.

I need to delete my Twitter account and focus on building my business.

I need to review that footage from yesterday and see if there's anything I can do to help drive more business to Stay at Home Mover's website.

I need to refocus.

I need to restart my diet.

I need to go for a walk and take some pictures.

I need to pray, maybe even go to confession.

I would be okay if I could get to five hundred words.

Or maybe some days I just need to call it a post.

Quick story about yesterday, I ran into an old co-worker from back in days at ShipStation.

I didn't know he lived so close to me.

He reminded me of why I loved working there up until the end.

I think it's sad there are very few co-workers I still keep in touch with or never become friends with outside of work.

The friends I have now mainly come from college and people I'd met along the way. However, there are a few I'm very intentional with, like Jake and Jerry.

I have many more that I'd like to visit with more often but don't get a chance to do so.

That's something I need to change.