Going With What You Got

So yesterday, we made it to Mallory’s soccer game at Southwestern University in Georgetown. Southwestern is a beautiful campus. I’ve passed it several times but have never had a reason to visit. 

My only intent was to shoot footage to make a highlight reel.  

Sometime early last week, I realized that as much as I like sports photography, the photography market seems saturated. One of the YouTube gurus I follow is switching from photography to video confirmed my suspicions. 

So I attended Mallory’s game to hone sports videography skills, such as they are. 

Man, was yesterday hot. I wasn’t expecting it to be so hot, so mental note: Andrew, check the damn weather and prepare accordingly. 

I’m so glad I bought a Variable Density filter for my Tameron 70-180mm lens when I did. That allows me to cut the light to keep my shutter down to 1/50th of a second. That is the shutter speed you need to shoot in bright sunlight. So, yeah, for YouTube education. 

I still need a lot of practice, but I followed the action well. 

I put into practice what sports videographer Peter Sarellas said, “make sure you get different angles.” And I did. 

The footage coming out of the Sony is stellar. I downloaded a couple of clips into my iPhone while waiting for Lucy at Walmart, and man was I jazzed. 

When I got home, I cut a video pretty quickly on iMovie. Unfortunately, I was never able to get Final Cut, but like Donald Rumsfeld said, “you go with the Army you have, not the one you want.” 

I will work on my YouTube channel today and post the video there. This is just a spec video. 

I was going to shoot another game, but we finished out Mallory’s game, plus we had to visit. Mallory is a good egg and a helluva athlete. 

I did take a few shots after the game of her visit. Some I liked, others I didn’t. 

I did have that thought yesterday: I need to be out shooting Thursday thru Sunday during the fall season. Even if it’s just prom photos or what have you. 

By the way, we finally let Marcos know I was let go a month ago. We decided not to tell him so as not to worry him while he was at school. I don’t know if it would concern him, but we didn’t want that little tidbit gnawing at him. 

Either way, I’m glad he knows. 

As much as I miss the steady paycheck, I’m happy it happened. I was miserable at the job. I’ve done more creatively this last month than at any time in my life. Now, I must find a way to sustain this lifestyle. 

There are a couple of things in the work. 

Yesterday I went and revisited Richard Herring’s Warming Up and realized that Richard uses warming up as a daily journal. So, of course, I don’t know what Skating the River is, but I want to do more journaling about it. 

So yesterday, I wrote more of a daily journal entry than a brain dump, if you will. 

Today as well. 

Part of me hopes that if I journal about my day, I’ll go out and live a life worth journaling and writing about.