Yesterday was productive/unproductive.
I spent most of the day trying to re-edit ETBU's Hypevideo to make it shorter and more impactful. I watched a couple of Edris Toussaint and Peter Sarellas, two very accomplished sports videographer tutorials.
You see, I have this theory.
I'm mentally stuck in the early 2000s regarding video production. So my videos would be bangers back in the day. Not so much now. The world has moved on visually, especially with Apps like Instagram and TikTok that changed the video landscape.
If I'm going to be successful in the current video climate, I must adapt.
So my two-minute magnum opus, while okay, needs to be shorter. I spent most of yesterday shaving off needless seconds while still trying to maintain a good shot.
Editing video isn't for the faint of heart.
I'm almost done. Is it going to be great - well, it's going to be as good as I can make it? I can already see where I made mistakes in shooting the footage.
I learned yesterday that shooting a highlight reel is much like shooting a movie.
You need the same coverage, like close-up shots, wide shots, extreme close-ups, etc. You know, B Roll, Andrew.
I had thought you shoot the game, find the exciting play and thread those shots together.
Not so.
When shooting a video, you have to go in with a storytelling mindset.
Yes, this was news to me. It's not like I'm shooting for ESPN here.
After I made that realization, re-editing the footage clicked for me.
See, one thing I was doing was cutting the game in chronological order. Edris said, "don't do that."
Hearing Edris say that was liberating.
And that's when I started the new edit.
So re-tweaking the video felt both productive/unproductive.
After that, Jake came over to work on his logo.
Quick story:
So a few weeks ago, I convinced Jake he needed a new logo for his moving business. I showed him a couple of logos from some local moving companies.
I'm not big into graphic design, so I suggest he go to Fiver and see if he could get one made. So he did but didn't much like the results he was getting.
While waiting, I started playing with his marketing but needed a logo. So I created a generic logo just to have something.
It turns out Jake liked one of the logos I made.
Now, he will take that logo and see if there's any touching up he can do with a graphic designer.
But there's something cool about the idea of a logo I designed being put on his website and trailer.
Credit to Jake, he did ask if he could take it to someone else to get it touched up. So, of course, I agreed.
I realized not to be too married to your ideas a long time ago. So I'll have more ideas: some good, some bad, some terrible.
Failure isn't bad, so long as you learn from your failures and keep pressing forward.