Like I Was Saying...
Here’s the good news:
Regarding this blog, I’m day on day fifteen of posting something, which I think is a record.
Posting every day isn’t the only news.
My “Skating The River” posts are at a minimum five hundred words. So I’ve written seven thousand, five hundred words in the last fifteen days. That feels like a record since I don’t track these things. (Maybe I should.)
So I’ve got a good streak going with writing.
And now the bad news:
My only problem with my writing and this blog is that “Skating the River” is the only thing I’m doing.
As I’ve said, my goal is to emulate Eric Kim’s blog. My goal is in fact to use this blog as a sort of mind dump when it comes to my creativity.
So the fact that some days my only posts is Skating the River isn’t what I’m trying to do with this blog.
Now, there’s been a ton I’ve written about, but didn’t post for one reason or another, but simply put, I need to post more.
Okay, more good news:
Of course, I need a need a job. That goes without saying. I put in about five applications in this week and netted two interviews.
I have my first second interview on Tuesday with a job that looks really promising.
Now, five applications might not seem like a lot, but considering I research the living heck out of these prospects, write a personalized cover letter for each prospective job, I don’t think that’s half bad.
Still, until I get an offer letter, I’m going to have to up this average to two or three a week.
Also, I’ve done some work on Medina Images online presence. I’ve ordered business cards and have some some ideas in drumming up some gigs.
Here in lies my major lament.
I’m not producing nearly the amount of photos (or putting the practice in) in regards to my photography.
I’ve taken forty-six photos this last week. I think that’s woefully low for somebody that wants to be a “photographer.”
My goal is is actually one hundred and eighty-nine photos a week. I get this number from Pat Kay, a really good photographer. I’ll link the video in another post.
Simply put, I’m not putting enough practice in when it comes to my photography and don’t even get me started on my videography. Yuck.
The thing is, I need to get out of the house and find interesting things to shoot. I think part of my problem is that I’m home way too often.
I need to up that number, like quick, especially if I’m going to start charing people for my work.
So all in all, I’m calling this week a wash.
Yes, I’ve made some progress, but I know there’s more that I can be doing.
I need to stop equating watching YouTube videos as doing “work” and actually get out there and do the work.
That’s the only way I’m going to improve.