I outlined a marketing campaign for a friend a couple of weeks ago to help drum up some business. As far as I know, he's done one thing I've recommended that landed him a few jobs. Yay, me.
The idea for his marketing campaign came from my years of experience in sales, reading, and a plethora of hours of watching YouTube.
I follow several gurus, like GaryVee, Grant Cardone, Tom Ferry, and Devon Reed.
I Frankenstein a lot of their suggestions, and using them has brought me a modicum of success. For example, I built my friend's marketing campaign off what I learned.
Now that I have my own business, per se, I have the opportunity to practice what I preach.
You see because I'm a hypocrite.
I have this problem where I don't practice what I preach.
There are several things I believe in:
The first one, of course, is Jesus is Lord.
Two, I think the Carnivore Lifestyle is the most effective for a human being to eat.
Three, Conservatism is better political philosophy than progressive liberalism.
Four, The Catholic Church is a source and still a force for all that is good in the world.
Five, Rugby is a better sport than American football.
I want to talk about the Carnivore Diet today.
I was thinking this week about my photography business by mowing my lawn. Stick with me here.
See, after I mowed my yard, I was exhausted.
As I was resting on my couch, I wondered how in the hell I was going to run up and down the field getting shots of young athletes.
I'm weighing in today at a beefy two hundred and seventy-nine pounds. The heaviest I've ever been.
I need to come out of the proverbial Carnivore closet.
I lived the Carnivore Lifestyle for eighteen months back in 2018.
During that run, I load thirty-eight pounds with no exercise. I was trying to prove you didn't need exercise to lose weight. I want to say I proved it.
My experiment ran from February to November of 2018. It ended one night when a family friend said, "come on, just one beer." Unfortunately, my carb addiction kicked back in, and I haven't looked back. Though I've tried, I haven't been able to get back on the wagon.
But this time, I want to want to incorporate some exercise. I'm starting to experience some body aches and pains that I think some moderate exercise can alleviate.
One of the benefits I miss from my Carnivore days is mental clarity. Since carbs didn't boggle me down, I could think clearly.
One day it was like I was seeing the world through HD rather than standard definition. It was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced.
The other thing I miss about the Carnivore lifestyle is its simplicity of it. I mean, you're only eating meat. Granted, there are days it does get monotonous, but once you trudge through it and eat, you're fine.
Of course, in my head, I'll track my progress in anyway I can.
Either way, my main goal is to be healthier for my family and the work I need to do to be successful.