I attended the mid-day Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption in Harlingen. The church looks weather beaten and dirty from the outside. Inside, it very spartan. There was a small crowd there. But again, it surprised me how barren the alter was, it's not something I'm used to.
All of sudden from the back of the church the priest announced the opening Psalm. The small congregation rose and recited it. There was no band, no pianist. Nothing. Then one lone priest walked up to the alter. Actually, he was a Monsignor. He alone presided over the mass (so really, it resembled a daily mass, but with one extra reading.) All in all, the affair took thirty-five minutes. Had it not been for an announcements, it would've taken half and hour. I can honestly say, I've never been to a mass like that.
Ate my fill of meat at the Golden Corral. Their beef ribs were really good.
Grandma still smiles at the Walmart episode.
Drove home.