I got this idea from an English Comedian Richard Herring. He calls his “warming up,” and that’s a pretty good title, but I’ll have to come up with something of my own. Still, I kind of want it out there, that this was his idea.
Basically, it’s like posted morning pages.
The thing is, one of the things I really, really miss is writing. I haven’t written for a while and well, I’m hoping his little exercise will get me back on track.
So, here are my “morning pages,” if you will.
Yesterday was a weird day. It started early that morning, and by that, The Kid had woken me up at two AM, concerned about the healing he was undergoing.
See, I’m one of those people that once you interrupt my sleep, I have a hard time getting back to sleep. And I was just about to go into the abyss when he woke me up. There wasn’t much we could do at 2AM, so I told him we’ll call the doctor in the morning.
I was semi-awake by the time I got back to bed. *Crap.* So I stayed up for a while and waited for Blessed Sleep to come back. It took awhile and I ended up sleeping on the couch, because I could feel my tossing and turning, waking The Wife up. She gets up at five now, because school has started. That wouldn’t of been good.
So when I woke up the following day, I was still that raw kind of tired, where you want to go back to sleep, but you not that sleepy to go to sleep. *Damn.* I worked a little from home (very little) and waited for a triage nurse to call us back.
Thing was we had a team lunch that we had earned at Perry’s steakhouse that I didn’t want to miss at one. Since the nurse hadn’t called yet, I went. The lunch was great. I highly recommend Perry's Steakhouse if you’re in Austin on Friday. Get the pork cop. It’s like sixteen bucks, huge, and delicious. Eat it with the apple sauce. The apple sauce takes the pork chop to “crossing the streams” level.
The triage nurse hadn’t called back (and The Kid had called twice.) So I called, explained what was going on, and transferred to a nurse. We explained what was going on and I guess because he was hearing from a medical professional The Kid felt better about his healing. *Fine.*
The Wife got home, hungry and exhausted from the heat. It’s been hitting three digits here in Texas this week. And it’s Friday. We have this thing where we don’t know what to do with ourselves on Friday. And Friday, for some reason, it’s hard to make a decision. So we hemmed and hawed for long awhile as to what to eat for dinner. The Kid mentioned McDonald’s early on. But The Wife said, “No, I don’t feel like McDonalds.”
After awhile, I was on way to the movie theatre to pick up a bucket of popcorn and stop by McDonald’s before I came home. I should’ve been hungry, but can’t pass up a BigMac to save my life.
The Kid put on *The Dark Knight*, which I hadn’t seen in awhile, and its still good, but I couldn’t help remember this YouTube video about *Everything Wrong with the Dark Knight.* I love those videos, but they do tend to ruin movies for you.
The Wife has been having issues with tension, so I tried giving her a massage, but my hands hurt after awhile. So, she finally sat on her message chair. I rubbed her back until she fell asleep and decided to get some writing done. And because I’m having a severe case of writer’s block, I decided to write a little bit of “fan fiction.”
I had this idea yesterday, why don’t Catholics write fan fiction about the saints? I mean, if the saints are heroes in the faith, why don’t we write narratives about them. One of the things that come to mind is that well, your dealing with real people here, real lives. And what if something becomes popular that runs contrary to the faith?
Okay, I can see that.
Still, I wrote a couple of pages of the day St. Dominic received the Rosary from Our Lady. I’m Catholic by the way and this stuff intrigues me. But, I thought, what would that moment have been like? What would’ve happened? How would that conversation go?
I don’t know, I see how its problematic, but if you could put a disclaimer in or something, can we do this? Wouldn’t it be a form of meditation. I once heard that making movies about Saints is very problematic. Because the story could delve into a sort of syrupy piety.
But Saints lived pretty difficult lives. At least some of them did and a lot of them, lived very sinful lives. There’s one guy, I don’t know off hand if he’s a saint yet, by the name of Bruno. Now, that guy was actually a Satanic priest, before his conversion. I mean, that would be an intriguing read. I thought man, you could research the saint, really delve into his life, get the history of the world around, put him context, and then write a story about it. It would be kind of mediation. That would be cool. Give you a little more insight and context into his life.
Like, what would it be to write speculative fiction about Pier Giorgio or the moment of Constantine’s conversation? Or how about a book on like Steven Pressfield’s *Gate of Fire* (a brilliant read), but this one take place at the Battle of Lepanto.
I don’t know, I was thinking about this last night. I think it would be a fun idea. I’m sure people have done it. I think there’s a word for fiction based on the life of real people, but I can’t find the word right now.