I found out today that an old high school friend has COVID-19. To be honest, other than the inconvenience of the Coronavirus, this is the closest the virus has been to me. Both Terry and Rob live in New Orleans, one of the epicenters of the virus. Some say, Madri Gras did New Orleans in. They're both recovering, but you never know with COVID-19. One seconds its mild flu symptoms, the next second your incubated, slugging out for breath.
And then, the Prime Minister of England got it and, as far as I know now, is in ICU.
One of the saddest parts of today is reading some of the comments on Twitter, hoping Boris Johnson bites it, because of his politics and hand in Brexit. Its a sad day when you can't wish someone well, even if you disagree with them.
The irony is of course, every European country is self-isolating and there's some reports that the EU might not survive this pandemic.