Like I Was Saying...
So my journey in photography and moviemaking has always been a "work in progress." I've been working for twenty years.
Having been at for this long, I think it's high time to make a website. In this day and age, you've got to have a website.
So here it is
This website will mainly house my photography and videos. I'm currently one of the team photographers for Rock Rugby, my son's rugby club.
The purpose of this blog is to document that journey. I'm a big fan of the process people take to reach their goals. My goal is to be a full-time creative one day.
I'm also in the Recruiting & Marketing team. So I'm coming up with ads and ideas for trying to recruit kids to the club.
I think rugby is an excellent sport for plenty of opportunities for kids to play post-high school. Plus, I believe ruby's culture far exceeds football, both on and off the field.
But I'm also a storyteller at heart.
I started as an actor but migrated to photography and moviemaking in college. So I've always told stories in some fashion all my life.
So this blog will have a couple of antidotes and life stories that happen in my life.
I'm married to Lucy, a 3rd-grade teacher (sorry, ladies), and a seventeen-year-old son, Marcos. I'm a Sales Manager for a great software company based in Austin, Texas. I love sales, mainly because I love the sound of my voice, but also because I get to help people's businesses succeed.
If you ask me what I am: I'm Catholic, Texan, storyteller, and salesman. In that order.