Sean Tucker does it.
Eric Kim does it.
So does John Free.
Lucy and Marcos always recommend it.
Just go for a walk.
So I did today with the express intent to take pictures of whatever I could find. It didn't matter what it was; I just had to get off my ass, with camera in hand, and find something to frame up and shoot.
There's a greenbelt behind my house that runs the length of the neighborhood.
So I walked toward it.
Now, during Snovid 2021, we had found this field nearby. It had a fresh coat of unbothered snow, and we went and tore it up. I went there first and noticed this huge tree that I hadn't seen back in February. It looked big and lush and started there. I didn't stop until there.
Another thing I did or at least made a conscious decision not to do was put my camera in my pocket. Instead, I used the wristband and had it ready until I saw something I wanted to photograph. It seemed to have worked.
I'm on a roll now. Let's see how long I can keep up the streak.
If I haven't taken a picture late in the day, then I'm going for a walk with the camera in hand.