Rouge is one of my company's clients, so earlier this week, they sent out a notice that tickets were available for the 2021 Rogue Invitational.
I had no idea what a Rogue Invitational was, but since Marcos is interested in weight lifting and fitness, I thought he might like to go. So, he was my plus one.
What I soon found out is that Rogue Invitational was sort of like the Cross Fit games. I had seen a documentary on the Cross Fit games a few years back.
The cool thing was the Rogue Invitational was being held at the Dell Diamond, just down the street from me. Awesome.
So Marcos and I went.
Marcos got to see some of the fitness guys he's been following on Social Media. One of those guys was Brian Shaw, a behemoth of man, who I joked needs mile markers on his back.
Of course, I took my Sony RX100 M7 and shot photos.
The video I took was awful.
The photos, eh, I was hit or miss, on those.
I'm debating between going full black and white versus color photography. So I shot in color and then converted the pics I thought would make good B&W in iPhoto.
Two photos made this day.
One I took, the other I did.
The shot I took of Marcos watching Brian Shaw.
The other one, some random lady took. I switched my camera to Program mode, and she took the shot.