Like I Was Saying…
There did come a point today when I asked myself, what the hell am I doing?
This morning it rained like it was nobody’s business. The storm rolled in while we were sleeping, so I woke up to rolling thunder and sheets of rain.
The only thing I had planned today was a packing job later in the afternoon with Jake.
I pay attention to the weather, like I’d imagine I’d play golf, I’d simply play it as it lays. So I don’t check the weather. I get sense of it somehow and seem to manage.
But Jake texted me and asked if I wanted to run around with him and I said sure.
My original plan was to work on some social media stuff for Rock and Jake and then head out about twelve thirty for the job.
So I jumped in the shower and made my way to Jake’s house.
Jake’s schedule is pretty fluid and he had to, weather permitting, make a run to the landfill to unload his trailer.
He called the dump and said only 4 X 4 and city dump trucks were permitted. Jake has 4 X 4, so be was good.
The dump was muddy as hell. But just muddy, weee talking it was Adobe like mud. I was glad I’ve made it a habit to wear my hiking shoes, because the second you stepped in the mud, it caked around my boots.
Plus, walking around the dump can be pretty hazardous with all the broken glass and such.
I’m not going to lie, dumping is pretty fun because you don’t have to care too much about the stuff, it’s going to be buried in the clay mud in about half an hour.
It got really infesting when we found the family of mice that has been hiding in some of the junk Jake had collected.
Somewhere in my head I thought this a nightmare version of Ratatouille.
Slipping and sliding back to the truck proved interesting. I tried in vain not to get the truck too dirty, but ended up just jumping in the cab.
My only though was all the stuff we through away and how somebody had worked for all it, spending money, which equals time, and now it we just trash waiting to be buried.
I took another mental note about converting to minimalism.
After that we went to the job we’re supposed to do and packed a client’s home.
She has a hundred and fifty year old decanter and again, I couldn’t help but think, that’ll end up in a city dump someday.
I got home exhausted. In fact I thought I was ready for bed when I got home, but stayed up and binged shows with Lucy.
It was at the dump that gave me a moment of pause.
A few short months ago, I would’ve been sitting in my office, leading a team helping my company making money hand over fist for a software.
But now, I’m knee deep in mud, chasing mice out a trailer at the city dump.
The weird thing is, doing this kind of work, could be an improvement.