Day Seventy Two

Like I Was Saying…

Today it was the Dia Del Los Muertos festival in San Antonio. Lucy loves the make up and of course shopping. I didn’t make it last year, but went this year.

It’s actually not a bad festival.

Of course, I was there more for the pictures. San Antonio is a nice city to photograph, especially down by the Riverwalk. The last couple of times I’ve been there I’ve always hated that I didn’t have a camera.

We did get there pretty late in the day and by the time we found our whole party, the sun was already going down.

Lucky my Sony does really well in low light. So there’s that.

Festivals like this are great place to get over photographing strangers. People there have dressed up and expecting you to photograph them. They didn’t get dressed up for noting.

This isn’t to say I was still shy at times. This is hurdle I really need to get over if I’m going to shoot more documentary style photography.

In fact, there was one couple I complimented and the guy gruffly said, “thanks.”

Then his wife asked, “do you want a picture?”

I said, “sure.”

So she chased down they guy and called him so I could shoot a photo.

I did take more shots than I didn’t, so all in all, I call the trip a success.

I simply need to shoot more photographs and shoot more video.

I did take some video with my GoPro Ana thinking of doing some kind of photo montage.

And these leads me into what’s in my head right now. I write down my goals and stick to them.

October is almost done.

I’m proud of the work I’ve done on Skating the River. At least I’ve got a streak going. I’m going on seventy two days.


But I’ve yet to start a YouTube channel or implement my list or start losing weight.

These aren’t good things.

I know what I need to X out of my daily routine, but right now its proving very hard. It’s doesn’t help that I’m a political junkie and we’re in the middle of midterm year.

I know, I know, I sound like a broken record, but it’s the truth and well, it’s pretty hard to run from the truth.

I think my big question is what value am I proving anyone?

I was listening this talk by GaryVee and one thing he said stuck with me: what value do you provide?

That question stops me cold.

I’m forty four and for the exception of my currently defunct sales career, what do I got?

If noting else I can try to be entertaining.

Thing is I don’t know how to translate that yet into a story or something worth watching.

I know I just need to start, but getting started is hard to do, when you don’t know what you’ve got going.

I need to bear down and make a decision quickly or at least try, because I’m not getting any younger.