Uber Andrew

Like I Was Saying…

My best laid plans didn’t happen.

Today was All Saint’s Day, a day of holy obligation for us of the Catholic persuasion.

So my plan was to go to the twelve fifteen mass at Saint Williams, have lunch, and run some errands with my mom.

Then I got a text from Lucy. Her back was hurting and she was leaving school early (DEFCON #3).

You see because a) Lucy doesn’t leave school early. She’ll usually try to finish the day out because it’s hard on the kids and b) finding a sub is hell.

If she’s leaving early, she in a lot of pain.

See for the past week, Lucy had been moving her classroom because of an incident at school. She must’ve thrown out her back during the move. She had mentioned the pain a couple of days ago, so her back must’ve given out.

Then I got second text, telling me she’ll schedule an appointment to see a doctor when she gets home. (DEFCON #2).

Lucy doesn’t go to the doctor unless she absolutely has to see one. My wife has a high tolerance for pain.

So this is no bueno.

I jump on computer and try to find an appointment for her.

I want to say that because of COVID, finding a doctor isn’t as easy as it once was. The places I called the soonest we could see a doctor was in two weeks.

I did find a doctor available in the next ten minutes, but there was no way she would make it.

Luckily we found a clinic that accepted walk ins.

Still my mom was still working on the original plan and had Ubur’d to a bank down the street.

I went to pick up my mother and told her what was happening and I had to call an audible.

After explaining what and audible was, I dropped her off at Church and drove home to pick up Lucy.

Lucy was going to drive back to our house, so I could drive her to the doctors office.

Coming home I just happened to drive up behind Lucy  and she was driving gingerly down the road.

We switched places and I drove her to the clinic.

Luckily we’re forth in line and once the clinic opened we were seen twenty minutes after arriving.

Lucy was in a lot of pain.

The doctor gave her some shot and that helped.

She walked a lot better after her shot. In fact, she was walking faster than I was. A good sign.

Then I raced back to the Church and picked up mom.

Mom treated us to lunch.

We came back and ate our lunch and I ran some errands with my mom.

I finally dropped her off at around five.

Then my mother in law said she needed a ride to her church for a meeting.

I dropped her and went to grab teas for Jerry and I weekly meeting.

I picked up my mother in law dropped her off at home and went to hang out with Jerry.

Like I said, best laid plans and all that.