Yelling For Dear Life

Like I Was Saying…

Truth be told, I didn’t want to come to Maryland. Not because I didn’t want to be here, but I worry about finances.

Lucy was adamant. This was Marcos last home of the season and she thought we should be here.

She texted me on Thursday, telling me to book a ticket. I was going.

I acquiesced, booked a ticket and well here I am.

I’m glad I came. We had decided to surprise Marcos and well, mission accomplished. He was happy to see us.

The Mount didn’t win, but watching Marcos play is always a joy. He’s really taken to Rugby and has made it his own sport. It helps that he’s pretty good at the sport.

The Mount is a D1 school in Rugby and he starts for The Mounts second team. Which isn’t bad for a player four years into his career.

I got to take a few pictures and got to yell at the game. Marcos said they could hear me on the field.

“That’s my dad,” he told another player.

One of the greatest joys of my life is supporting this kid in whatever his little heart desires.

After the game we visited Gettysburg to get a bite to eat. Marcos and I found a barbershop and got our haircut.

Then we walked around as we waited for our table at a local restaurant.

We visited a few shops, bought some beef jerky and just hung out.

During dinner Marcos expressed his gratitude that Lucy and I had made the trip. He was really moved.

That made the trip worth it.

Lucy lived streamed the game back home.

Before that messing around, I hit the Live stream and just started riffing into the camera. Honestly I was just messing around.

Well there was one comment that mentioned I was a natural at vlogging and should do it more.

That was comforting to hear. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do,

Here’s the funny thing: I don’t know how I did it.

This is a thing with me.

The things I do I just impromptu. If I try to work at it, it comes out stiff.

I never know how to find the balance. It’s the weirdest thing.

Either way, I’m glad I did it.

I’m glad I’m here.

Another thing: for me the quote of the day goes to Lucy who on another live feed said, “you don’t need a megaphone when you’ve got an Andrew.”

Man I love yelling at games.

The Mount plays on the field on the foot of the mountain.

At some point I stood at the top of the field and started yelling and boy did my voice carry down the valley. It was like the huge echo chamber.

I think what made it better was that the air was still. So my voice really carried.

Usually when I’m shooting, I try to remain neutral, but eh today I threw caution to the wind.

And yelled my heart out for my kid.