Thinking Of New Direction

Like I Was Saying…

Somethings will never cease to amaze me.

Just this morning I was standing in a hotel room in Emmittsburg, Maryland. By Seven PM I was sitting on my couch in Texas.

God Bless aviation and the modern life.

While on the plane I was doing a little bit of thinking about this blog. Since we were flying Spirit airline and I didn’t want to pay for Wifi, I read, did some thinking, and organized Scrivener, which what I use to write these posts on my phone. I use Highland 2 on my laptop.

The big question I’ve had to answer is if Like I Was Saying provide any value to anyone other than me?

And well, the answer is simple: not really.

Like I Was Saying is more for me.

Posting on the blog is my way of keeping the discipline of writing.

Writing these posts are a way for me to digest my day and write down whatever pops into my head (like this post) for instance.

I also have 500 word count with these posts.

The word court gives me a marker so I won’t cheat myself out of a post. The word count forces me to think of what to write.

The original intention was to fashion a blog like Eric Kim’s photography blog coupled with my daily musings.

My blog is far from that goal.

I still want a proper daily blog, but something with a little more of my creative work in it.

So I’m thinking of making another blog with that express intent, a sort of online swipe file of stuff.

I still want to do keep writing Like I Was Saying, but also do something else.

Again, it’s an idea I’m toying with right now.

I’m not to sure how it will look, but that’s the intention for now.

Yesterday I did a little live feed before Marcos’ game and it was fun. I had a good time doing it and it reminded me that I went to Vlog as well.

I also have all tanks equipment to Vlog or make films and I just don’t do it enough.

I know why.

I just don’t feel like I have anything to say.

It kills me that I’m so riddled by self doubt.

Like I said in one post. I know what the problem is, I just can’t fix it and I don’t know why.

All I know is that I went to try something new.

This is going to take work. That much I know.

Like I said, I really like doing this online journal.

If nothing else it gives me sense of where I’m going.

Incidentally, it makes me evaluate the days I’m struggling to write and asking, “what the did I do today?”

Maybe this will be my online journal and I’ll create another Like I Was Saying, but different.

If nothing else, you gotta be honest with yourself.

There’s been a lot of that as of late.