Like I Was Saying…
I thought about writing about my about the election, but that’s boring.
Yes, I spent most of day arrested by Twitter, trying to read the bones. I like most people, got it utterly wrong.
As Bill Goldman once said, “nobody knows anything.”
Am I happy with the results, in a way yes and in a way no. Ce La Vie.
Instead, I want to talk about what I want to do going forward.
I’ve got an interview tomorrow for some gainful employment. But I’ve put on a lot of weight since a) I’ve been working from home and b) since my mother-in-law moved in. She spoils me with breakfast, coupled with a full fridge.
So I’ve outgrown my old dress pants. I went to the Men’s Warehouse and got measured.
I’ve got a forty-four inch waist. Now I’ve held steady at thirty-eight for a long time.
During my Carnivore run I almost fit into thirty-six inch Lucky jeans. Those never worn jeans are still in my closet.
But forty-four is my limit.
Something has got to change and fast.
So I need to adopt a different lifestyle. I hate dieting. Lifestyle sticks. You commit to a lifestyle.
It’s like coming out of the closet.
So I need to come out as strict Carnivore again.
And mean it.
But that’s not the only thing. I need to come out as a creative entrepreneur.
That means I’m going to have to really work on it.
The other day Jake and I had a meeting where we brainstormed ideas and the one thing we came up with is to throw caution to the wind.
To just use the stuff we have and the go with reckless abandon until we something sticks. Again, we have to stop overthinking it, take chances, and go.
I’ve always had this problem with perfection or my work had to be professional looking.
This thought process is arresting and not moving me forward to my goals.
I want to act on impulse for awhile and see what I can do.
It’s kind of a self-discovery of sorts.
But in order to do all this, I need to get my body, my mind, and my heart right.
I need to be empathic about what I believe and go on from there and let the chips fall where they may.
I want to engage in this conversation with myself about what I want - if that makes any damn sense.
This is one reason I love Skating The River.
If nothing else it helps me distill my thoughts in writing.
Like Peterson says, if you want to learn how to think, you need to learn how to write.
So I like writing because it forces me to think.
Is this blog perfect?
No. Far from it.
But I like engaging with my thoughts.
I’ve always highly recommended keeping a journal.
I wish I’d kept one long hand, but never could really keep up the practice.
Thing is I don’t have to do any one thing.
I can do it all.