Man, I Love Politics

Like I Was Saying…

I’m not a sports fan. The Astros won the World Series the day before yesterday and I couldn’t care less. Sure, they’re a Texas team, but I’m not a baseball fan.

Doesn’t mean I tried. I liked the Red Sox when I was kid. Actually, Wade Boggs was my hero and he played for the Red Sox, but I hardly watched or heard any it the games.

Football is eh, if it’s on I’ll watch it, glam onto a team and root for a good play or two.

Of course, I like Rugby, but that’s mainly because of Marcos.

Nope, my sport of choice is the election.

I love politics. I mean it has real world implications. A team wins the Championship and once the game is over, you have to wait till next year.

No, if your candidate loses an election, your going to be living with your neighbors decision for the foreseeable future. Depending on who wins or loses can effect your everyday life.

Look at 2020 and the winner of that contest and see all he’s done.

And now, battle lines of epic portions have been drawn. Your either with us or against us.

How you vote could lose you friends, family and even your livelihood.

So yeah, I love it all. The polls, the debates, the kitchen table talks and arguments.

And now with Twitter, as my friend Jay likes to say, your drinking straight from the firehouse.

Engaging in politics even on Twitter, your in the trenches fighting it out. Granted theirs folks out there doing the block walking and going to campaign rallies. I’ve been to a couple.

I’ve phone banked a time or two in my day.

I keep track of races that won’t directly affect me.

I love the narrative, the ebb and flow of the whole machine.

Even as our political discourse has gotten more divisive, I’m okay with it. People are engaged on some level.

I’ve found a couple of people on Twitter that are beaming down early voting. Mashing up the numbers and trying to read the tea leaves.

Hell, I think I can tell how a candidate is doing based on signage and bumper stickers.

My favorite moment was in 2016 when Trump was running against Hillary.

I was driving to work and noticed that cars in Austin didn’t don as many Hillary stickers than Obama had in 2008.

It was the first time it occurred to me that she didn’t have the energy that Obama had. This was deep blue Austin.

Yes, it’s like reading the witch reading the bones from The 13th Warrior. I just had a feeling.

Turned out I was right.

It’s not an exact science, because alas, I was wrong I. 2020.

Still I love it.

How do I think tomorrow will turn out. Here in Texas, I think their will be a clean sweep and Republicans will retake the House, the Senate, I’m not so sure.

I think Kari Lake will win Arizona.

It’s Red year and the Dems put all their eggs on social issues when the economy was on the ballot.

So tomorrow I think there’s going to be a Red Wave. Texas for sure, but I don’t think the Senate will be caught up in it.