Like I Was Saying...
I woke up knowing I was going to shoot Arowyn's signing this morning. In fact, the video popped into my head fully fleshed out.
Other ideas were rattling around in my head, and this signing's footage would lay the foundation for it. So I was kinda ready.
My problem was lighting.
See, Rock Rugby usually practices on a field with old lighting, which causes this "red phasing" that makes my footage look terrible. So if the signing is in that area, I'd have to accept that crappy footage.
But it's been raining here the last couple of days. So the city closes the fields to protect them. They shut off the lights to make sure no one uses the field.
So, Coach Rock will practice in an open area next to the field. The thing is, the only light I'll have is from the tennis courts nearby. Those lights are better, I think. So no "red phasing." The thing is, if Coach Rock does the ceremony there in this area, I'll have to crank up my ISO, and my footage will look noisy and crappy.
Luckily, Coach Rock decides to hold the ceremony at this clubhouse nearby. It's close enough to the tennis courts where the light is better.
I go check out the clubhouse, and I find this one spot where the background isn't great, but it is usable. Plus, the light is okay.
But then, Coach Rock decides he wants the ceremony at another part of the clubhouse where the light from the tennis courts falls off. Crap.
When I started shooting the ceremony, Coach Rock was almost dark. Still, I'm able to crank up my exposure and catch most of the ceremony.
All in all, the video didn't turn out too bad.
I wanted to get the video cut and uploaded to Instagram tonight, so it could've been better if I had time.
Still, I'm pretty proud of the finished product. For me, the nicest touch is the music. It was a last-minute addition, and I think it fits the piece well.