The good news is that we’ve gotten rain these last couple of days. And boy did we need it. It’s been a pretty dry summer.
Just the other day, I was sitting in the living room when I heard this loud crack just over my head, followed by the deep rumbling.
It was so loud, Luna jumped up looking for the danger. And boy did that thunder roll for a long while. I want to say a good fifteen, twenty seconds.
I want to say that thunder was the longest I ever heard in my life.
Jerry needed to run something by Jake’s house and asked if I wanted to tag along. “Sure,” I said.
So we went to Jake’s so Jerry could drop off this bin Jake had lent Jerry’s daughter during her move.
We stood out in the rain, talked a little, and while driving back we saw this rainbow.
Much like crack of thunder, I’d never seen a rainbow as complete as this one I photographed.
The only camera I had on me was my iPhone and I snapped a shot of it. I took some video as well.
It was, at least for me, the perfect rainbow.