Let's not mince words. I'm petrified of shooting strangers.
The strangest thing is that I've never encountered a problem in the years I've been photographing. Sure, I've got some sideways glances, but never a full-on conflict.
The fear has always been someone coming up to me demanding to know why I took their picture or, worse, attacking me or my camera.
This also becomes problematic when shooting strangers' kids, the world being what it is today.
Well, if you're going into photography and you are not a landscape or architectural photographer, then photographing people is something I'll need to get used to.
So it was a big deal for me today to pick up my camera, run over to the Round Rock Multiplex, and shoot some photos of random strangers.
I found some frisbee tournament whose play resembled the kind of football you'd play when you were kids, you get four downs to score, or you turn over the ball.
The teams I photographed were a mix of young men and women. Watching Ultimate, as I found out later it was called, was fun, and they threw the frisbee in ways I've never seen.
I just set up and started shooting people I don't know.
Yes, it was awkward and weird. Yes, I was nervous.
But all in all, I did have fun.
My next challenge is shooting people on the street with my 50mm.
Oy, I think my blood pressure just went up.